I have been wanting to post this for so long but something always held me back,atleast today i have the courage.

Sometimes we meet people and we feel like they have been a part of our lives forever mainly because they are funny or they gave us the cheerful side of their lives.If you really want to know people,look for their friends.The saying is so true that show me your friend and i will show you who you are.

I never knew one of my friends well until i met their friends.You should have seen the shock on my face when i realised that my good guy was nothing but a good pretender.i felt so betrayed but i thank God that it really happened..only God knows what lay in store for me.The same case applies to you before you hurry to get into anything seek to know people.the more you hang out with them and their friends the better you get to know them.Be careful to listen in to their talks,watch their behaviours and you will learn so much about them.

Enjoy your day friends!
