A month ago i was listening to Hope Fm and there was a debate on letting your guard down.While thinking about it later on i got an insight i had missed during the discussion.I had noted that most people(unfortunately men are hard hit) love being on guard or what i would call “pants up”.We refuse to let people find us and we love keeping our flaws,weaknesses and problems to ourselves.We appear as if we are ok but in real sense we are ailing emotionally and we need help.

When i decided to let my guard down and allow people to find me,my life changed.I appreciated that i needed help and that i was unique.It helped me learn from others and i haven’t regretted doing so.It helped me to see the world through the eyes of God.There is nothing wrong in letting the people who matter to you[your family,friends and lovers] find you.When we shall let them into our spaces we shall be able to form better relationships with them.Being “pants up” will only kill us because we can’t access help.Your flaws,weaknesses and problems are common to us all but together we can build each other up.That’s what relationships are meant to be.

Open your world today to those people who are close to you and you will see the beautiful side of life.

Have a wonderful weekend friends



We love makeup but we can’t sleep in it and many times we have to struggle removing it especially if it’s an oil based.As usual we get water and the cream bar or cleanser to remove it.The struggle we have to go through begins……

Behold a new way of doing things now.It’s simple and readily available.Petroleum jelly is what i am talking about.All you need is cotton wool or a soft cloth and the jelly(Vaseline,Baby care,Vital-3,Zoe,etc)Here is how to do it:

  1. Using the cotton wool/soft cloth,dab a considerable amount of petroleum jelly
  2. Gently wipe the make up off

You can now carry on with your routine procedure for cleaning your face.I have been doing this for the last one month and nothing works better.Try it!



Three weeks ago,we had an impromptu trip to the ploughing competition eastern region.I was excited to attend and i decided to participate in hand digging competition.I had never dug a hard ground before but i was ready to give it a shot.Other participants appeared to be qualified “diggers”,they dug quickly and better than me.It was a struggle but i refused to give up.For the first time in my life i was so determined.However it didn’t go without some discouragement from the onlookers.Some advised that i should marry in an agricultural area while others asked me to visit my shags next holiday for experience.I deliberately chose not to listen.

Later when i went home i likened the competition with our lives.Sometimes we take life like a 100 metres race,we want to finish quickly and do something else and if things prove too hard we bail out;calling it QUITS!We look at how others have made progress and we become discouraged so we feel like shortcuts are better.We are not willing to endure and see the good things that will come out.The challenges and situations we are in are to teach us things that we would never learn if the ride is too smooth.We must be “fried” like wet pots or gold so that we are better.Is it so hard for you?Endure,God wants to bring out a better you.He is going to provide the strength that you need.You didn’t finish last,you just took your time.When this is over you will be better than before.Stop comparing yourself with others,it will only do more harm than good.See your goal and the inspiration will come to you.Like Paul the Apostle you need to keep beating your body otherwise you give up.The digging was tiresome but i had to go on,the sun was hot and i was sweating but no giving up.

I finished after everybody else,who told you i finished last?Yes i took my time and my certificate read i was the most persistent contestant.Iwouldn’t ask for more.

Good day dear ones.Keep digging!


A Blessing In Disguise

I read an article sometime ago and i thought i should share it.Everyday we are going through break ups and they really hurt but have you ever asked yourself if you could have dodged a life ending bullet by ending the affair or you are missing out in love?Getting over a broken relationship is learning from it after admitting that you made a mistake.Here are a few questions you should answer as honestly as possible

Have you found inner peace after you have left the relationship?After the relationship did you clearly know those thing that you can or cannot take in a relationship?Were there people so close in your life that felt that the person wasn’t the right man/woman for you?Were your needs really met in the relationship?The person you were before the affair and who you were in the affair were two different people?Was there room for forgiveness in the relationship?Did you ever have an intuition that always told you that he/she wasn’t your match?

You know how many yes or no answers you have and you can tell if the relationship is worth a second chance or not.