A month ago i was listening to Hope Fm and there was a debate on letting your guard down.While thinking about it later on i got an insight i had missed during the discussion.I had noted that most people(unfortunately men are hard hit) love being on guard or what i would call “pants up”.We refuse to let people find us and we love keeping our flaws,weaknesses and problems to ourselves.We appear as if we are ok but in real sense we are ailing emotionally and we need help.

When i decided to let my guard down and allow people to find me,my life changed.I appreciated that i needed help and that i was unique.It helped me learn from others and i haven’t regretted doing so.It helped me to see the world through the eyes of God.There is nothing wrong in letting the people who matter to you[your family,friends and lovers] find you.When we shall let them into our spaces we shall be able to form better relationships with them.Being “pants up” will only kill us because we can’t access help.Your flaws,weaknesses and problems are common to us all but together we can build each other up.That’s what relationships are meant to be.

Open your world today to those people who are close to you and you will see the beautiful side of life.

Have a wonderful weekend friends


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