The Acne Miracle

My face is the diva i am not…actually diva is an understatement she is a drama queen!It reacts on anything immediately and the last two months it broke out so badly.As usual i rushed for the exforliators,masks and scrubs but nothing worked until this week.After consulting a nurse she told me to try lemon and my oh my the miracle  had been longing for happened.The acne started clearing!

It was this simple

  • clean your face with warm water(helps to open the pores) and pat dry
  • cut the lemon and rub as you squeeze the juice on your face gently and then wait for it to dry
  • wash off with luke warm water and then splash on cold water(to close the pores) and pat dry.You are good to go!

Since my face is a combination type i used some petroleum jelly on my cheeks to avoid dryness.Our skin types vary so be patient with your skin it might take sometime but the change is gonna come.Go ahead and discover more beauty secrets of lemon and please remember to share

Beautiful wednesday


Wearing Your Perfume

Nobody doesn’t like to smell good but some times our perfumes do not last for long;we smell good in the morning but as soon as the sun sets in and we sweat the scent disappears.That shouldn’t be the case.

I have learnt that many people spray directly on their clothes and this is mistake number one.this is what you should do.

Apply your deodorant as usal and follow with your lotion.Instead of using the perfume on your cloths,spray directly on your body notably the neck,just below your armpits and any other parts.

You are now ready to have a masculine or feminine scent that lasts all day…doesn’t that sound good?Feel free to add a tip too

Good evening
