Crucial conversations

Well the hassle and tussle of exams couldn’t be worse than this….finally they are over.I had a rare chance of attending the Global Leadership Summit Kenya last month and i learnt a whole lot of things which i will be sharing from now on.First up,the crucial conversations.

Every now and then we are required to hold crucial conversations;with our parents,bosses,spouses and friends.One thing you must know is that crucial conversations arise from tense situations or things that we didn’t do well.Crucial conversations can be the pit fall of our relationships or grounds for creating better relationships.The choice is ours to make.

Eleven months ago my mum and i had to talk because i had moved out without her knowledge and she was really worked up.I remember when we met i asked her to tell me why she was there to meet me;to know the truth,to reconcile with me or to fall out with me(sounds rude i know but it performed miracles).This is what am trying to say that our approach to the people we are holding the conversations with really matters and determines the direction the relationship we have with them will take.

Fast forward to the lesson i want us to take away this weekend:we need to approach these crucial conversations with great care.If we are the offended party,by first apologizing to our offenders,it creates a solid ground for reconciliation and a sober talk.You could say something like this “i know we are not talking,am sorry that i have offended you”That alone makes them go like phew! and they begin talking.

If we learn to approach crucial conversations well we will create better relationships.Catch up with the second portion of this soon.

Good day


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