Crucial Conversations II

Some time late last year we talked about crucial conversations,remember?….This is the second part of the post

If you remember we said our approach matters most and that crucial conversations can kill or build relatonships.In this final part,i will emphasize on how to say it not who to say it to.Some people are very unapproachable and if we are to have crucial conversations with them,it’s just disastrous.This is where attitude comes in.You must be bold enough yet very humble when we approaching such people.I said last week that your boss could be the lion but the humility of the mouse in you conquers him.

Sometimes we also have to take a back seat and become the listeners even if we are the offended party.Allow them talk first and justify themselves then go ahead and apply wisdom.When holding crucial conversations we must always learn to wear the offender’s shoe first,hard I know but it’s the miracle that might save the relationship you have with them.

Finally,after all has been said and done,we must learn to forgive.Jesus said that we forgive 70*77 times.Forgiveness benefits the offended not the offender.That’s the plain painful truth!You must also realize that you don’t have to agree to,agree to disagree and vice versa.We are all humans we never share opinions and stands.

I pray for you that God gives you insight when handling crucial conversation and that you don’t fall out with the people in your life because a crucial conversation failed.

Enjoy a fruitful week

What Should I Wear to my Wedding?

What Should I Wear to my Wedding?

When my time comes……

Say Hello to Gorgeous

TGIF! By now, I’m sure all of you (or most of you) know that I’m engaged. To be frank, we have a major move coming up shortly, so we probably won’t really get into wedding planning until that’s over and we have more time to visit venues, plan out our budget, etc. But that hasn’t stopped me from looking at wedding dresses to my little heart’s content. You can check out my whole wedding board on Pinterest. In the meantime, here are some of my favorites.

anna_campbell_gossamer_collection_1Anna Campbell Gossamer Collection

Pictured above are two dresses from the Gossamer Collection by Anna Campbell. I fell in love with this collection as soon as I saw it, and it breaks my heart to say that I will probably never own one! These are from Anna Campbell’s made to measure line, which means it’s a customized dress that you can find in her boutiques–in Australia…

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We Are One

Good morning good people….TGIF!

The other day someone asked why women have unnecessary competition,of course I rose in their defence.But somehow this is true;women love to compete.We want to have better hair dos than our colleagues,we want to prove our men are better than our friends’,we will dress to kill and flaunt our good bodies…Just competing.

I likened women to body parts.Paul the Apostle in 1 Corinthians 12 describes the Church as a body,so are we.If your eyes decided to compete with the nose for air you will have no ability to see.If your legs decide to compete to perform the functions of the hand,sure enough you won’t walk that day.So as we compete to out do each other the result is STRUGGLE.We struggle to keep good relationships,envy creeps in and then we feel very unloved.In an effort to out do the other person you strain yourself,you get angry and tired.We are supposed to co-exist not compete!Everyone of us has this part to play and there is no superior person than the other.

We ought to cease from competing and find our place then stay there.No one is super perfect so your flaws are your friend’s strength while their weaknesses are your strengths.Be content where God places you and with what He gives you knowing that you will give Him an account.Godliness with contentment is a great gain 1 Timothy 6:6.Change the world from your zone and you won’t be struggling anymore.

Great weekend dear ones


Hair and Wet Season

Good morning friends…today I want to talk hair…On these parts of East Africa the rains have set in and as is the norm,we will survive by braiding or weaving our hair.Some of us like me will still keep our natural hair.

Natural hair sisters:Incase you get rained on,please don’t try combing your hair since it’s weakest when wet and it will break.Opt for blowdrying or a drier at the salon.

If you have braids or other hair additions,dry your hair well and you can use you hair spray to keep your hair smelling awesome.

Remember to keep treating your hair regularly for healthier stronger hair!

Have yourselves a happy Thursday


I must confess that I have missed all of you….I have been learning and unlearning many new things and by God’s grace I will be able to pass them on to you.Here are just a few things that have been my driving force.

1.It’s not who you say it to but how you say it…yes your superior could be the lion but the humility of the mouse in you conquers him.

2.Be humble,focused and wise.Humility is the key that opens doors for you in life.Hardwork,networking and determination are embedded in focus.Wisdom will help you maneuver your way without it the rest are useless.

3.Be true to yourself,it’s the best gift to yourself.

4.Fear shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals…who said you can’t do it afraid???

good day loves
