See Yourself Through a Different Set of Eyes

See Yourself Through a Different Set of Eyes

The Daily Post

As bloggers, we’re constantly defining ourselves to our readers. Through our photos, our stories, our poetry, our recipes, or our podcasts, we tell the world who we are. Even those of us who share a great deal of our personal lives still only give snippets of ourselves. We create a public persona (even our choices of blog themes reflect the way we want to represent ourselves online). We choose what we want to share of ourselves, and our readers fill in the rest according to their own points of view. Every reader might have a slightly different idea of who you truly are.

I’ve been thinking about how this applies to my daily life. I have an unconscious habit of creating stories about people I see, but whom I only know in “snippets.” The barista at my local coffee shop, the surly bus driver who never smiles at me no…

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Throw The Rotten Potatoes Away

Good morning people,it’s fools’ day so be on your toes

All the same I would like to share a wonderful lesson that I learnt yesterday from a friend.A junior school teacher asked her pupils to bring some potatoes in a plastic bag to school.Each potato would be given the name of the person the child hates.On the decided day the children brought potatoes to school,some had as many as five others had only one.After labelling the potatoes,the teacher asked the children to carry the potatoes in their bags through the entire week.Four days later the children were complaining of the smell because the potatoes were rotting.The children who had many potatoes couldn’t bear the weight.

Teacher called them together and said,”Children,this situation is similar to you hearts.When you carry so much bitterness and hatred in your heart it is unhealthy.If you couldn’t bear the smell and weight that week,do you see how much weight your heart carries through life just because you don’t like some people?”

Our hearts are like gardens which need to be free from unwanted weeds(anger,bitterness,envy,rage,strife,evil thoughts etc).Nobody can do it for you.Forgive those that hurt you and make room for good fruits(joy,love,peace).We must throw the rotten potatoes away,don’t you agree?

Enjoy a blessed new month!
