Good Health:::A Deliberate Choice to Make

Hey everyone.My hope is that the peace of the Lord has been keeping you strong.I pray for you to prosper in your body as well as your spirit.

Today I would like us to talk health matters.At least all of us go to worship places and one conspicuous thing about your house of worship is that the place is clean.There are people who are allocated to clean the sanctuary every worship day.One day while listening to Joyce Meyer,she said that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit 1 Corin 6:19.If we take care of our worship houses here on earth,why not the Holy Spirit temples;our bodies?God expects you to take care of your body.He is expecting that you will give it the best.You’re better off alive than dead.

Earlier this month a friend walked into our work place only to collapse.We recovered a blood test result from her bag that showed her haemoglobin level were at 5mg.The day before mine read 13.5 mg.Her medical history read she had fibroids that she was going to have removed later.As we speak,she is recovering well after surgery and several pints of blood.

Many of us think that going for routine tests is a preserve for the rich.We are shocked to find that we are seriously sick.In Feb this year I walked into hospital for a routine test(after my mum really insisted)only to be admitted with blocked lungs from bronchitis.I had sat at home saying the breathing difficulties would soon go.Since then I have made up my mind to visit a doc every six months.When we neglect our bodies,they respond by being unwell..we then become unproductive.When are you better off?Sick or healthy?I had to terminate my industrial attachment a week before its completion date.That was dire and cost me something.

Good health is a deliberate choice we make.To eat right foods,to work out/exercise,to get enough sleep,to work the right hours and generally live a healthy life.Believing in God is paramount but isn’t faith without actions dead?(James 2:17).I tell you it is godly to be disciplined even with your body.

Make a decision today to take care of the body God put your life in.He will want to see His plan for your life manifested in this world.Remember that good physical health has a lot to do with spiritual/emotional wellness.Everything is spiritual before manifesting to the physical(well I will talk about that tomorrow).Nourish your body dear friends.Stay blessed.

Happy Father’s Day Daddy


Dear Papa,
I retrieved this image from my archives(this is 20 years ago) and I couldn’t help but wonder how fast I have grown.Today am reminded of the many wonderful days we had while I was growing up.Remember the days we would graze our cows and Stella and I sat on your back combing your hair?The strawberries you picked for us and we always went to pick them there after?And sneak into the bed after mama woke up?
I still remember the days you roasted maize for us and we couldn’t eat anything else(mum would complain the next two days).You tagged us along everywhere you went.Everyone knew where you were there we would be.How much you would make us laugh until we shed tears!
Then we went to school.I emotionally recall the days you covered our school bags with your coat so that our books weren’t rained on while you were soaking wet.The arrangements you made with conductors and drivers so that your little girls would have transport to and from school.We did well and here we are.
Now at 21 I see all the things you did for us.Even when you don’t say it I know daddy loves me.I know he cares for me no wonder he calls me all the time to find out how I am doing.Today I really appreciate that God chose you to father us.You’ve done a good job daddy.No words will ever explain how much we love you.There is no perfect man but thankfully we are a work in progress.
I would write this letter and never finish.Everyday is Fathers’ Day for us because you’re with us.Happy Fathers’ Day.
With love,

Our Advocate

Howdy good people?

Who’s an advocate?My dictionary says,it’s a person who pleads for or on behalf of another person;intercessor.He is also a person who pleads the cause of another person in a court of law.I love the first one.

One of my best friends is an advocate.Every time he’s going to court,he normally tells me and I wish him lots of success.He’s good at what he does,I haven’t heard him lose a case since I knew him.

1 John 2:1-6 talks of Jesus as our advocate.Heb 4:14-16 describes Christ as the great high priest.In a court of law,the judge addresses two people:the prosecutor and the advocate to the accused.The accused fate lies with the advocates ability to plead on his behalf.This is where our fate as Christians lie.We have an enemy who stands before God to accuse us.When he’s before God,he will say all our weaknesses to the righteous judge.But praise God for Jesus who’s our advocate before the father.ERV says that Jesus did what is right and he’s able to defend us before God.

This morning I was meditating on this truth and I had more confidence than I ever had.I have a lawyer who has my file.On top if it,He sympathizes with my weakness having been through it all yet without sin.How wonderful!I wish you would grasp this truth my friend.By virtue of believing in Him,he pleads for you.The bible says that he also prays for us together with the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to feel weak,you have no reason to backslide because the walk is tough!No he has been through it(at the garden of Gethsemane).You don’t have to struggle anymore.

Am more confident in my walk of faith because I have a high priest.He is able to help me.No more guilt or sin conciousness.God isn’t mad at you for your sins,actually He sees the sacrifice of His beloved son at the cross.He desires that all men come to Him and are saved 1 Tim 2:4.If you’re wondering who’s your advocate is,look to the son of God who is more than willing to plead for your case.He will carry us through out until He comes back 1Corin 1:8-9.

This day walk with the confidence of the knowledge of your advocate.Take heart and be of good courage,you’re defended.The Lord Jesus bless you and keep you in perfect peace. 

Learning From Others

It’s an honour to be posting again.

What we are today is as a result of the lessons we have picked up along the way as we grow from other people.We have picked lessons from home,church and friends.

At some point in my life I was so disorganised.Everything in my house was at the wrong place and my girlfriend walked in and she asked how I was surviving with all the junk.Of course I was blank but what she didn’t know is that I had been admiring the neatness in her house.I asked her to help me make my house a better place.She did help me..the rest is history since I have been able to maintain.Thanks girlfriend.

I wasn’t born as awesome and intelligent as I look and sound but it has taken a deliberate decision to learn from others.When I spot a good quality or art that I can learn and become a better Wambui I run for it.I learn so many things from my younger sister and mind you am the firstborn.

We become better when we learn.God found it right to give us people to live with and He knew why.My bible records that two are better than one because when one falls,the other can lift him up.What prevents us from growth is our pride.We are too proud to learn.Some even feel like they’ll be considered weak if they come down to that level.

We ought to have teachable spirits(contrite).Isaiah records it(please insert the verse for me) that God delights in a spirit that is ready to learn.There is always something positive that you can learn from the most unexpected person.Just shed your pride my friend.We can’t be the same but we can become better people when we become teachable.

Today choose to learn from others.Embrace positivity daily and grow.The Lord bless you as you become teachable.

Our Comfort Zone We Must Leave

Hallo,I am humbled that my posts encourage you in one way or another.I pray for more grace and wisdom to be a blessing to you.

I was encouraged by the work of a nominated senator called Naisula Lesuuda.She said that she had to leave her comfort zone to achieve the fruits of peace in her land.Senator Naisula went to the grassroot level and pleaded with her tribemen to end the intercommunity clashes.Another lady in Laikipia County,Kenya had to come out of her comfort zone to face poachers and convince them to stop killing elephants.She almost got killed were it not for a poacher who took pity on her poor soul.Her efforts have paid off;the poachers are now reservists preserving the animals they once killed for tusks.We must agree that there is some peace that comes with being at your comfort zone. Personally I hate coming out if my comfort zone..the risks involved don’t encourage me but every time I leave it good things come my way.

An eagle is a wonderful bird,she picks thorns and sticks them in her nest making it so uncomfortable for her chicks to stay and the only option is to fly out!She watches keenly as her chicks grow into strong eagles.The chicks are stung by the thorns until they can take it no more.Africa is an eaglet that must soar.

The 21st century is the African century.If we don’t arise now we will not do it later.I strongly feel that our problems should be the thorns that we can’t take no more.We have to leave our warm nets of cheap politics and cheap talk.I feel we’ve sat in apathy for too long.We don’t need good leaders,we already have them(the colonialist left long time ago).Our leaders have to stop cheating that they’ve our interests at heart,impossible!..You cannot discuss matters concerning your house at your neighbour’s house or can you???Peace talks are done in big hotels and I ask whether those people have the real picture.African crimes against humanity are ruled at the Hague,do those people have the truth?

We cannot discuss underdevelopment in Africa at a summit in Washington DC.We can’t talk about terrorism issues abroad after Garrisa students are dead.We can’t resolve conflict issues of Nigeria in UK,no way!The pretence has to stop dear ones.The answers don’t lie with President Obama, his arrival here doesn’t mean anything.He adds no value.Why not talk about these issues where they’re happening?

Africans must work with their hands,our continent is rich with ideas and many natural resources.

We must come to the point where we say enough is enough.Africans must change their mind sets.In the words of Prof George S.J Dei from Canada,”we must use the white man’s tool to demolish his house.”His neo colonialism house.We must use the good education systems we have to alleviate poverty.We must use the available man power to work and build strong economies.

I say to you today that Africans must rise above the dogmas we’ve been fed.The change might take many decades but our generations will eat from it.It took someone’s life to have independence. You and I have to be transformed first so as to impact others since change is contagious.Oh what a happy day when I’ll see Africa lead the world.God bless Africa.

Am doing my part,are you?

Contentment:The Key to Joy and Peace

Have you ever wondered why some people are so unhappy?has it crossed your mind why someone should steal or do all the wrong things for wealth?Have you ever questioned why some people are happy in plenty and scarcity?Or how some people live quiet lives and seem so 1900?

Someone ever asked me how I survive without revelling and drinking  my reply to them was,”I survive the same way you do with your revelling and drinking.”That sounds rude I know.They went ahead to enquire why am so serious with life yet it is so short.I couldn’t help laughing.They swore I would enjoy life when am an old woman…Well it hasn’t happened neither will it.You want to know why it won’t,I am Content.

1Tim 6:6 NIV,Godliness with contentment is a great gain.ERV says,Devotion to God is a sure way to make men rich but only if they are satisfied with what they have.There is no crime in having big dreams or desiring to live a good life.There is no harm in looking up to others.What is wrong is wanting to get up there so badly that you commit sin.Everyone begins somewhere and you can’t have all the things that you want.If you go on from verse 7,the bible records that we brought nothing to this world so we shall take nothing out of it.Many Christians have desired a lot thus falling away from the faith.

The reason why have many evils in the world is because people are not content with what God gave them.Paul writing tothe church in Ephesus,Colossia and Philippi warns against these things:greed,strife.When desire is ripe it gives birth to greed,which then births strife,hatred and envy.Finally is theft,murder name it..

Now with all these things I charge you today to be satisfied with what God has given you.Paul told his son Timothy that if we have food and clothing we are fine.Don’t allow desire to fuel you,work hard for it and be devoted to God.Dont love the money too much love the God who owns it all..Only when you’re content will you count your blessings.You will find inner joy and untold peace.Life will be all you ever want it to be when you appreciate that you’re clothed although not Maggie Sorreto,that you ate although not in a five star hotel,that you travelled though you never flew,you slept well though not in a king size bed…you are in good health what else do you need?

Be content dear ones.Bless you

Resisting or Assisting the Devil

I love Joyce Meyer and several weeks ago she was teaching on Resisting vs Assisting the Devil..the Bible says,Resist the devil and he will flee from you..I was surely on my toes in resisting the devil until one morning when a man whose invites and advances I had turned down poured his frustrations and desperation on me inform of first I thought it was stupid but a few hours later I began to read the insults slowly.I was breathing brimstones,honestly the temptation to show him what metal am carved out of was almost going overboard.I was very furious.In the midst of my anger,the Holy spirit reminded me of Joyce Meyer’s sermon.I asked God to help me calm down and forgive this man.Praise the Lord for His faithfulness.

Later that night,I began to see the works of the enemy.In times of need and funny situations he gets us agitated,angry,worried until we stop trusting God and His word.When we are in lack for example,the enemy challenges the ability of God delivering us.We then lose faith and do the wrong things for money.

Resisting the devil is not fighting literally no,it’s actually calling on God’s name for deliverance.It is deliberately reminding yourself what His word says about that particular situation/problem and believing that His word is true.It is sitting still to hear the voice of His spirit speaking to you;that small voice.Hebrews 4 records that Jesus was tested in every way yet found without sin and He is able to understand everything we go through so in times of need,let’s approach the throne of mercy for grace…isn’t that good news?Whatever you’re in,Jesus went through it so he is able to help.

Assisting the devil is the opposite of resisting him.When you allow the anxiety,anger,worry,fear to take the better portion of your life.

Get encouraged today and resist the devil.God bless you


Give All The Marbles.

This afternoon I’d love to share a lesson that i learnt from my bishop two months  ago only for it to ring so loudly in my mind this morning

A boy decided to approach a girl that he loved.He asked her to give her cookies to him in exchange for his marbles.That night the girl gave him ALL the cookies she had and in exchange he gave her all his marbles EXCEPT three.That night he couldn’t sleep…Why??He was thinking about her?May be but the reason is:his conscience bit him as he wondered how many more cookies the girl could have hidden.

Many a times you and I are the boy.Jesus like the girl gave everything He had,He left heaven and bore the shame of the cross because he loves us.He withheld nothing.We on the other hand give Him some parts of our lives and the result is guilt and consciousness of sin.We have sleepless nights and never ending sorrows because we kept three marbles.He is able to help us live holy lives if only we are willing to give ourselves away.The good news is there is no to-do lists only Believe in Him and he will take care of the rest.

This day am asking Jesus to have my life and give Him the three marbles I hid.Would you do the same?

My Finley Boost

If you have Temple Run Oz on your phone then you know what a finley boost is and its function.
About five months ago,I walked into one of the largest and leading feed manufacturing firm in the nation in search of industrial attachment.I was taken in as a finance intern and the plant accountant took me in.That was my Finley boost.This man devoted himself to offering the best of guidance and held my hand.He said to me one day,”Wambui, be humble,wise and focused.”He believed in my potential.That was what I needed.Two months later,he left.I was devastated but I had some footing to keep me steady to the end;his advice
In life we meet many people who act as our Finley boosts.God places such kind of people in our lives to hold our hands.we need people to fall on when the going gets tough.You know the courage that comes with knowing someone has your back???That was the courage in me every morning when I reported to work.
He encouraged me to be someone else’s Finley boost.I am compelled to believe in others and their dreams today because believed in me.I am more courageous and determined than I ever was!
While he had a choice to take advantage,he didn’t…so should we.When God quickens you to help others it isn’t the chance to manipulate them or use them for selfish gains.Even if no one appreciates you for it,God is faithful to reward you.
I don’t know what I would have done without my Finley boost.Bless you Mr Paul.