My Hair Journey

My Hair Journey

So two months ago I went for The Big Cut(TBC)….I love it since it gives me a totally new look.Well,the main reason was that I was spending too much on my weak relaxed hair and not getting expected results…Many people think that maintaining short hair is simple and forget that hair needs care short or long.To cut costs,I decided to get an affordable set of hair products for a start to see how it could work for my hair;shampoo,conditioner and treatment(all leave-ins) and sheen.


The hair cair set…I use the conditioner sometimes as a moisturizer.The sheen is a must have and leaves my hair lustrous and soft all day.
I shampoo and condition my hair at least once every week and treat it once a fortnight.The result….


After the big cut,your normal hair care regime shouldn’t stop.It should actually go a notch higher.NB:Dont use the same products repeatedly.
Everyday I put on a confident smile because am an African girl with African hair!


Have a wonderful hair week everyone

Their Flaws and Our Duty

Eph 6:1-2,ERV Children obey your parents the way the Lord wants because this is the right thing to do.The command says You MUST respect your mother and father……then all will go well with you and you will have a long life on the earth.

1 Tim 5:1 ERV Don’t speak angrily to an older man.But talk to him as if he were your father…Check the NIV and RSV

These verses sound familiar to us,don’t they?They take me back to a calm sartuday afternoon at Nairobi Arboretum in 2012 when my spiritual dad Elder Fred spoke about parental authority.He said that no matter the mistakes of our parents we had to respect their authority.Their mistakes shouldn’t be a reason to dishonour/disobey them and that their weaknesses and failures don’t make them lesser parents.It doesn’t strip them the authority.I have never understood why Fred said it but he spoke life to me.

If you grew up like me,you know it was a taboo to think that your parents were wrong.How could they be?Even if your father beat your mum daily or your mother prostituted,you couldn’t bring it up.Tufiakwa!Never would you dare but the bitterness kept holed up in your heart.You hated your parents.There’s nothing sensible they can say and appeal to you because of the expectations they never met.The wrong things they did to you.You wouldn’t want to live the way they did.They are failures and don’t deserve your respect.

However the bible says something different.God never said that we honour our born again parents,our non-cheating parents or our preacher parents.He said You MUST honour your parents.The thing with honour is that you’ve no choice but to obey.Disobedience and rebellion isn’t the solution or perfect hit back!It’s actually a pathway to an early grave.Who wants to die young??I don’t want.So no matter what they did,they still have authority over us.Your father is still head of the house,wrong or right.Your pastor is God’s servant even if they fell short of God’s glory..are you any better?

How do you then correct them?Like Paul told his son Timothy how to correct elders we should emulate that.Sometimes it’s very difficult and we ought to turn to God for guidance and help.Allow God to teach you how to go about it.Also don’t just believe wrongdoings against them without tangible proof.Pray that God can help you to respect them on all occasions. I have had to make that prayer due to the kind of home I was brought up in.It was difficult but I thank God am managing.

If you’ve been a victim of rebellion and disobedience toward your parental authorities,God is faithful to forgive you.It will also do you good if you speak about it with them and make peace.God bless you now and always

Get Inspired

My friend posted this on his facebook page and i felt i needed to share it with you as we begin this new week.Bless you.

Make the Law of Attraction Work for You
One of the simplest way to attract something good into your life is to have positive thoughts and visualizing already owning it, extend your feelings and attention to that feeling of owning it in the most effortless possible manner for as long as possible until it eventually becomes second nature. Imagining already owning it may seem delusional but remember that reality is easily led by thoughts. Being adaptable and putting this into practice will eventually translate such energy of thoughts into actions. Remember, the key to making the law of attraction works for you is is to keep thinking positive!

Role Play

Are there people out there that make you feel motivated, inspire you or you admire? Is there someone you wish to be like more? Putting famous superstars and idols aside, it could be someone that you feel has an impact on you such as your superior, elder sibling, mentor or even a motivational speaker. Focus on understanding what is it about these people that makes you feel like you wish to be more like them? If faced with a certain situation, how would they go about managing it? How would they react to it? This exercise helps you to put your own views and perceptions aside, and see situations in a different light. This will also eventually allow you a new learning of shifted perceptions.

Act on your inspirations

Most people are so stuck in their own rut that they have no idea what inspires them. This is specially so when it comes to white collared employees who are busy from 9-6pm every day. They may be so absorb in their own daily habitual routine that they feel like they have neither time nor energy to think about this. To translate inspirations in a laymen’s manner, ask yourself what are some simple things that will make you happy? Take some time out from your normal day, 10-15 minutes to do something that will make you happy. It could be anything from singing, reading a book watching a movie, connecting with your friends or getting a facial and massage. Open that opportunity and take the time to indulge and pamper yourself with doing things that makes you happy and this will eventually allow more and more inspirations in bigger doses to enter your life.

When I was young

Remember when you were still a kid and didn’t have to handle any responsibilities nor faced issues with work, arguments with spouses or money problems? Those were the carefree times when the only worries you had were the flavors of ice cream to choose. What were you like as a kid? What were your dreams? What kind of things fascinates and excites you? Revisit on a daily basis those memories and reconnect with that curious, carefree, adventurous and honest self.


I just wrote Learn To Work the Law of Attraction for More Wealth in the last article talking about gratitude. You should be appreciative of anything that happens to you. Think positive and open up to being contented and happy with simple things and you will receive happiness in abundance. Be grateful and express gratitude for even the littlest things in life, and always keep positive thoughts in the process. Eventually, you will be able to create a lot more

Better Relationships:::::Your Role

Hi everyone,I think it’s in order for me to say Happy New Month.I pray that God’s blessings be upon you.

For quite a number of years, my younger sister and I had a bad relationship.We fought over anything and anyone.We would just be happy one minute and fighting the other.Mum hated it.She normally got worked up and depressed at the same time as she watched her two girls sink deeper into fights.This went on until seven months ago.

In December last year,I was analyzing how my year had been.I was doing well after a bad breakup but something was still amiss;my relationship with my sister.I was angry at her and resentful.Since am the firstborn,I felt I should be RESPECTED. Yes she should no matter how big her size is!Then God asked a very simple question,”what’s your role in this bad situation?”All along I had been feeling she offends me,I felt she’s selfish and her attitude was a NO NO.Then came in my ego.In fact I wanted my ego massaged,I talked back to her every time,yes I had refused to mature up and address the petty issues in a better way.I wanted to WIN every argument!…To cut the long story short, things have really improved and I mean it.She can attest to that.

Now I know am speaking to someone,I know someone is in a bad relationship too.Personally I will call it quits but how could I quit my only sister?Our mortal nature makes us blame the other party.But we have a big role to play,if you want others to care start caring.Someone told me that love that expects doesn’t expect.You could actually be the problem!Your garbage is contagious so please deal with it.I have since learnt that I don’t have to talk back.I don’t have to put so much weight into everything and some things should just slip under the carpet.It’s OK to allow her win.We now talk about everything and communicate more frequently than before.Am OK with her wearing my favourite boyfriend jacket even forever.Instead of just making decisions for her with my parents,it’s better to listen and take her side where necessary.I’ll go to the mall for burger and I will surely compensate for the time lost.

The giver always gets.I am confident that you will settle the score with yourself first.Talk about the problem(I began with telling my sister that I was not feeling like we were having a good relationship).Don’t give up on your loved ones yet,help lies with you.Let go the pride,ego,expectations and become vulnerable to them.My prayer is that God helps you in this one.He can just believe it.
