Service Lesson.

My hope is that we’re doing fine in God’s perfect love.

Has someone ever irritated you and you just want to tell them off?You’re wearing a very tired look and then they notice it after which you feel so guilty?Or someone is asking questions repetitively even after your assurance?Another is rude and you shoot them an annoyed look.Been in such a situation or it’s just me?

Where I work,I get to serve different types of women daily.Some know what they want while others want you to decide for them.Others just irritate someone and am the type that doesn’t respond well when irritated.Once I have had to just keep quiet and let them go.Rude,right??Some love bargaining too much.Some complain for no particular reason.On the other hand,sometimes I have mood swings or am just feeling like not talking at all.Am human(Woman actually)so that’s expected. That was until God opened my eyes to what am about to share.

I love my mama very much and treating her badly isn’t acceptable! She will go to the cosmetic outlets often and God asked me if I would want her to meet an attendant with mood swings and not wanting to talk like me.No I don’t.I never would want someone to assume my mum when she’s buying her hair.I remembered that I should treat others the way I want them to treat me.

Am gently reminded that serving men is serving God.Whether am feeling like it or not I have to do everything as if am doing it for Jesus 1 Corin 10:31.Every woman is like my mum so I have to serve her with a lot of love and respect.Every young person is my sibling!So every morning I ask God to give me a right attitude to serve.I ask Him to fill me with peace and stability of mind for the day’s work.One day I will account to Him about how I served in every capacity He gave me and so shall you.

In every capacity you have,challenges and personal issues will always crop up but it’s up to you to decide how you want to live with others.The aid to the wise choice is putting yourself in their shoes.Blessings to you.

The Promise

Am writing this humming Promise by The Martins.Sometimes we expect that all things to work out perfectly fine since we are born again.We walk knowing that everything we need is provided.This is until storms hit us.Being prayerful and righteous doesn’t guarantee absence of physical storms actually they will come in abundance.

Last week I was going home from church for prayers.The easiest way to get me home was using a bike so I got one not knowing it had issues.After a few metres,it developed problems and we fell.I decided to get another one only for it to have issues some hundred metres from my house.I had to walk in pitch darkness,afraid and very muddy.I couldn’t be more discouraged.Honestly I was coming from prayer.’God you can’t be this unfair to me’,I complained.

When I got home I went straight to bed and God gently reminded me that He didn’t promise a smooth ride but He promised to be with us till the end of time.I realised that we’re bound to experience sickness,lack,trials,temptations and even missing the way of the cross.So we’ve to walk in complete faith and trust in God without which no man can please God Heb11:6.We have to constantly remember that all things work for good for us Rom 8:28.

Now I know that storms will always be there but my faith in God will carry me.Our faith is strengthened by the tests we go through and God knows that we will be better children when we overcome.Am having a good week already no matter how lousy the day gets!Just remember His promise of the present hard situation you’re in.Stay blessed.

My Desire,His Will

Last week I was day dreaming,No actually I was visualizing how I want my life to run.Am almost through with school so I have big plans.When I stopped I came up with just one conclusion;I want to live happily ever after.A life of love with all the people I treasure.It shall come to pass.

In an unexpected twist of events,God suddenly whispered something.You’re not here to live happily ever after.You can’t use God for your purposes it should be the other way round.

I began thinking,”Surely God, you don’t want me to be happy?”.God wants us to be happy but not content in this passing world.He challenged my heart to focus on living a full life of doing His will.My sincere prayer is that God helps me to consciously walk with the knowledge of eternity.Lord help me to forego the pleasures of this life and give you undivided attention.Amen.

Have a happy week!

My Week:3 Life Lessons

Happy New Month!

This week I have learnt something that really challenged me,I am always curious naturally and a bit hasty in decision making especially where I feel someone/something ain’t working for me.Now I know something new.These three lessons I will keep in mind all my life.

1.Never take shortcuts,they can cost you your life.In a generation like the one we are living in,we want things quicker and impeccable results.However,no pain no must never use shortcuts

2.Don’t be curious. Yes!We want to have the real account of what happened.If you’re Kenyan you know what am talking about.It killed the cat,it is capable of killing you.Take a back seat and sometimes,it isn’t worth knowing at all.

3.Never make decisions when you’re angry/bitter,it might be too late when you repent.How many things has acting when angry cost you?If you can’t think straight when annoyed it’s perfectly fine to keep quiet and calm down.

God keep you in perfect health in body and soul.