The first time i heard of this term Work In Progress was at a wedding ceremony.Sure enough not only in marriage are we works in progress but also in our day-to-day lives.Recently I have found myself feeling pressured over a few issues here and there and I felt like prayer wasn’t working for me.I was reminded of how many weaknesses I have and I couldn’t be more discouraged.I took to the net to search for some of the great christian men and women that I look up to.All had a known bad past,admitted weaknesses and many other faults.I couldn’t be happier!

Many times we beat ourselves over some aspects of our character and feel insufficient.We badly want to reach the levels some of our friends are.What we fail to realise is that God continually works in us to make us like Him.He takes as long as is necessary to achieve the desired result.Rick Warren’s book ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ notes that we are being formed characterwise here on earth to be like Jesus.

When you fail in that endeavour don’t give up,dust yourself.Don’t struggle too hard,look up.Always remember that you are a work in progress and God isn’t done with you yet.Blessings.

Service Lesson::Total Surrender

We’ve been looking at attitude and excellence in the previous posts and this post might be the final series of service lessons(I hope not).Several months ago I went home to find my mum has taken a leadership post in church and I go like noo since when did mama start leading?A fortnight ago,we had double tragedy at home and instead of being found at home she was busy up and down in the respective families.A few weeks earlier my pastor had asked us to pray for her since she desires to preach the gospel like she has never done since her children have already left home.Profound!

These two women taught me something I hadn’t realised,that there comes a time when we have to give ourselves to serving God and men.In their case,they began after raising their kids first.Now what I want us to take home is that after all has been said and done we’ve to give ourselves to serve when God gives us the opportunity.It isn’t a must that we serve fully when we  are old,it could actually be during our youth.For example,I love singing and my wish is to sing even internationally so what I have to do now is serve when I can because we can agree I may not have time to sing/go to music school when am studying PhD or when I get a family of my own.

If the chance to serve is available,give everything you have.Don’t wait until another time it might be too late.Think about it.

Service Lesson:::Excellence

My sincere hope is that you’re well in body and soul.

The last time we talked about service,we dealt mainly with attitude to service.Remember?..Well I realized that attitude isn’t enough and I had to combine it with something else:Excellence.Am a good singer(am humbled to be) and I have had the privilege of meeting people who we sing together as a band.Am also a worker in church and our pastor is insistent on workers’ meeting every now and then.There she encourages us to offer excellent service in the church.Training.

So friends,it isn’t enough to be good at something..talent,passion or gift you have to give it the BEST shot.Being a member of a band and a good voice doesn’t qualify me to run out of my house straight to lead others in song and dance.Some rigorous vocal training is required,prayer is necessary then I can ask you to dance the African way! Cmon go get training on your area of talent,hook up with people who have the same gift but are way ahead of you.Challenge yourself to be better for service. God doesn’t need bogus service,He can as well ask angels to do what He wants.He needs excellence.

Be excellent today and the Lord will commend you saying,”Well done good and faithful servant.”Luke 19:17