Service Lesson:::Excellence

My sincere hope is that you’re well in body and soul.

The last time we talked about service,we dealt mainly with attitude to service.Remember?..Well I realized that attitude isn’t enough and I had to combine it with something else:Excellence.Am a good singer(am humbled to be) and I have had the privilege of meeting people who we sing together as a band.Am also a worker in church and our pastor is insistent on workers’ meeting every now and then.There she encourages us to offer excellent service in the church.Training.

So friends,it isn’t enough to be good at something..talent,passion or gift you have to give it the BEST shot.Being a member of a band and a good voice doesn’t qualify me to run out of my house straight to lead others in song and dance.Some rigorous vocal training is required,prayer is necessary then I can ask you to dance the African way! Cmon go get training on your area of talent,hook up with people who have the same gift but are way ahead of you.Challenge yourself to be better for service. God doesn’t need bogus service,He can as well ask angels to do what He wants.He needs excellence.

Be excellent today and the Lord will commend you saying,”Well done good and faithful servant.”Luke 19:17

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