Hairline Care


Since I cut my hair I have been extra cautious about hairline,products to use etc.Lately I have been sourcing for good natural hair products to use and am almost there.Can’t wait to start this journey!
Yes am growing my hair again(thanks to my sis who blowdryed it and I saw how long it has grown)I generally avoid braids because they pluck my hair line out as you can see and so this time round I decided to get a good stylist and a protective style.
I advised her to leave my hairline to avoid more damage.So when considering to have a healthy hairline please avoid styles that are tight.Always ask your stylist to leave them out and apply styling gel to keep them neat.Research has it that dabbing a little glycerine on the temples can restore the hair line.I have been trying it and I can see good results.
If the home remedies do not work,I recommend Growth Renew Temple Defence by Profectiv(around Ksh 950 or $9.5).Finally a good diet results into healthy hair.Your comments are always welcome.Happy hair times!

Sleep Paralysis

Hi everyone, today I would like us to share on sleep paralysis; a condition that many people experience without their knowledge. I have been experiencing this condition since my high school days until three weeks ago.So what’s sleep paralysis?It’s an experience of heaviness of body,terror,inability to breathe,terrible hallucinations during sleep(hypnagogia) or after waking up(hypnopompia) etc.You feel like you’re pressed down by a heavy person or thing.To some you get panic attacks.It last a few minutes or longer.
It can’t kill but causes sleep interruptions which affect the persons day to day life.I normally dreaded sleeping with people lest I start jerking at night as I struggle to breathe.I talked to a close friend of mine who though having not experienced it encouraged me but my girlfriend had experienced it so I wasn’t alone!
I took to Google to find out some information and there I found everything I wanted to know.From causes to prevention.Some people believe that sleep paralysis is demonic. Don’t be deceived it ISN’T. It normally occurs because your brain is resting during sleep.
How to prevent:Try changing sleeping positions and avoid sleeping on your back.Get enough sleep at least 6 hours and avoid irregular sleep patterns. In case you get the attack,breathe slowly it will help to suppress it.Finally be informed.
From my experience,I learnt that freedom comes from knowledge(truth) and not assumptions,hearsays or myths.I have slept well the last three weeks without an attack and am so grateful.Please get more information from the internet and read many sites.Blessings to you.

Hold My Hand Please

This evening I was listening to my aunt and she said something that I needed to hear and I will share it too.Having been away for sometime,a lot has been on my mind but God says I will overcome.
The journey of faith is a difficult one,actually we have to pick our cross and follow Jesus.However,the journey is very hard at times.we need to hold each others hand.the strong need to lead the weak ones and strengthen each other.let the older teach the younger.
Everyone’s struggling with something and we all need help.If you’re stronger in faith please help a newborn in the kingdom.Jesus wants to meet all of us.
When others fall,don’t be too quick to condemn them.Rebuke and encourage them in the Lord as Paul put it.Blessings to you.

Blessed Are Those…..

My pastor told us a very interesting story that happened when she was newly wed.She had made a menu that she stuck on the wall of the kitchen.The problem was that it wasn’t working either because there was no money to buy the specific food or food had been left over.So one sunday afternoon when her and her hubby were relaxing in bed she was overcome by a feeling of poverty to the point where she began to cry.Since they were newly marred the husband didn’t know what to do with a crying wife who wont talk.Mind you at the time she was a degree holder,her husband ha two degrees and both were employed by the government.Still she felt poor.

her husband suggested that they take a walk and they found themselves at their best couples’ house.Alas they were enjoying chapatis and cabbage.To my pastor this wasn’t food to have for dinner.Their best couple invited them to share in the meal with a lot of joy.A that time she realised that to be blessed is not having chicken every sunday and menu falling in place.It is appreciating what you have and take one day at a time.

I know my pastor isn’t alone.Many times we complain that we aren’t blessed because there are things that are not going the way we wanted in our lives.We complain a lot giving the enemy a chance to actually convince us that we are very poor.I have been there too and I cried in hopelessness.To be blessed is not having the world in your hands,I would say it’s appreciating the gift of life,believing God to handle the day and its needs and accepting what God has given you.Whenever you think about blessings,thank God for all the things that you can’t even see.Blessings to you.