Humility in Your Strengths

Hi people,my desire is that God prospers you in your body as your soul prospers.

Yesterday I was evaluating myself now that it’s almost end of year 2015.I was there thinking all the skills I have and all the things that I can do(I am blessed to have many skills in me).I was imagining what I can do when need to prove myself ever arose.Man,I was feeling good.Then as usual God spoke.My feel good and heroic moments ended there.

As gentle as always,I was reminded of the need for humility in this life.Because I am used to leading and being at the fore front He challenged me to agree to be led for once.I felt that sometimes we know we can do something and we use it to put ourselves above the rest.Some call us intelligent and worship the ground we trend on.

Like me you know you’re multi talented, brilliant and full of good things but can you give others the chance to showcase theirs?This is my number one resolution next year:to allow other people to do things even if I can do them best.Humble yourself and God will lift you.I charge you today to be humble and very contrite for God is pleased by such people.Joyce Meyer says that meekness is not weakness but strength under control.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Lessons from France

Last weekend we woke up to shocking news of a terrorist attack in Paris.As we speak now it’s like calm has returned to France or so it seems.Their enemies had struck them when they least expected and at a very unlikely time.What did they do?

I have not seen any pictures of dead French men and women,does it mean that they don’t have WhatsApp?I haven’t heard any blame game with the government,does it mean there’s no opposition?Do you think the government is asleep?The next day Syria had been hit and disturbing pictures were making rounds in the internet why?

Africa has to learn from these people.When we are stricken by our enemies and we show them the damage they did,they know they have won.I say we have to stop washing our dirty linen in public.We have to come out of the pity party that we thrive in.Even when we are flat on our belly we must be strong.Fake it and you become it!We ought to stop the war of words and blame games in times of disaster.

We must act quick in such times and tell the truth and finally we must learn how to sit down and talk during such times.

Blessings to you,blessings to Africa,

Wambui Muriuki.


Hi people,I found this read quite encouraging.What makes me who I am today is because I chose growth to be my everyday life.So get encouraged friends.

“Most people fight against change, especially when it affects them personally. As novelist Leo Tolstoy said, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” The ironic thing is that change is inevitable. Everybody has to deal with it. On the other hand, growth is optional. You can choose to grow or fight it. But know this: people unwilling to grow will never reach their potential.

Most people don’t realize that unsuccessful and successful people do not differ substantially in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential. And nothing is more effective when it comes to reaching potential than commitment to personal growth.

Making the change from being an occasional learner to becoming someone dedicated to personal growth goes against the grain of the way most people live. If you asked one hundred people how many books they have read on their own since leaving school (college or high school), I bet only a handful would say they have read more than one or two books. If you asked how many listen to audio lessons and voluntarily attend conferences and seminars to grow personally, there would be even fewer. Most people celebrate when they receive their diplomas or degrees and say to themselves, “Thank goodness that’s over. Just let me have a good job. I’m finished with studying.” But such thinking doesn’t take you any higher than average. If you want to be successful, you have to keep growing.”

“Growth is a choice, a decision that can really make a difference in a person’s life.”

Excerpt From: John C. Maxwell. “Self-Improvement 101: What

Every Leader Needs to Know.”

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Being Single

This morning i was listening to one of my favourite preachers and he said,”God can only ask you to do what He shall empower you.” I began to feel a strong word for everyone who’s single.Being single isn’t a full paid trip to recklessness and dates and party hopping mh-mh. Singlehood is characterised by loneliness,stupid mistakes,hopelessness,addictions to many.Others chose to align themselves to some FWB relationships to survive.Why??
The wrong notion of single hood is the problem.There’s no better time in life like when you’re single.You run the show.That’s when you ought to make true friends and better relationships with people.It should be your time to realise who you are,where you’re headed and what you can and can’t take.It’s your time to meet new people without being under pressure of replies to give and its not every date you attend,no turn down some of them.
Finally,it’s the time allow God to mould the clay you are.You cannot love people without loving God first and vice versa. When you’re single you have the chance to serve in all the capacities you can imagine.You can sit in silence and hear the Holy Spirit teach you.During this time,God helps you become prepared for the partner He will bring at the right time.You learn virtues you didn’t have and become an all round person in preparation for what He will bring.
While you are single,do the most you can to make your life better.No matter the temptation to change course when everyone around you seems to be in love hold on.When he/she comes around,you will have something to bring to the table.
Being single isn’t that bad after all and falling in love is the most beautiful thing when it happens with the right person.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Greener Grass??

Hi people,been an ocean and even in the midst of my unending assignments and school work I have managed to write something.
My girlfriend and I were talking about something this week about grass being greener on the other side.She said,”Wamboh,some people want the greener grass on the other side instead of watering the one they are standing on.”My girlie is right.It is said that the grass is always greener on the other side but have you asked why it looks that green?
Truth is the grass isn’t always as green as you see. It is your discontentment showing you so.Everything you have today someone has the better version of it;your friend’s job looks more lucrative than yours,your friend’s clothes are classy than yours,your friend’s relationship is working better than the one you have,some man or woman is beautiful than yours etc etc.
When you go out of your way to get the greener grass you realise that things weren’t as they looked so you either go back to where you’re coming from or get condemned to a miserable life.You can avoid this by getting content.People and situations can be changed by prayer,persistence and patience.
Instead of desiring or lusting after that particular thing,work on what you have in your hands.Note I said ON not WITH.
Isn’t a bird in the hand worth two in the bush??Water your grass,get muddy working on what you are blessed to have now.The greener grass had someone who thoroughly worked on it.Start working!

Blessing to you,

Wambui Muriuki.