2015 Lessons


Just two days and we’re done with this year…the few things I have taken are
1. Do what has to be done,this strengthens your character building muscle.
2. It is so OK to stop being everyone’s favourite.
3. Be yourself everyone else is taken.
4. Don’t substitute the place of God in your life for anything or anyone.
May this coming year bring good health to you,joy and the peace of God.Abide in faith,love and hope.1 Thessalonians 5:8. Happy new year!

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.


Christmas is two days away and the mood has caught up with us but what’s Christmas? What is its importance?When God made heaven and earth He wanted human beings close to Him and He had an outlined plan of salvation.

God had to use legal means to bring Jesus to the world so Christmas was secondary what was primary was that He had to die on the cross.So when we celebrate Christmas we should remember the cross,without the cross there would never be Christmas.

As you celebrate and make merry,remember the work of the cross.When you hear the good news of salvation don’t harden your heart.It’s because of Calvary that we have Christmas.

Merry Christmas,

Wambui Muriuki.

Rid the Clutter

As this year draws the curtains,I know we are all drawing curtains on the resolutions we made even though I know we’ve carried forward several resolutions and am no exception.There’s however one resolution I couldn’t carry forward;clutter/baggage.I have noted that I have a lot of clutter in my life and it’s affecting how I function so I decided to clear…..

My God! I had a piece of work to do.I removed all the clothes,shoes and papers and put them in their respective gunny bags for disposal.After two good days I saw the lime green surface of my wardrobe.I was feeling 1000kgs lighter as I tied the bag ready to take it home and some fresh air filled the house.

My friend,look into your life today.What baggages and clutter are you having? Could they be the reason you’re struggling with virtually anything?It’s time to clear.I didn’t know the reason why I couldn’t let things and people go is because I held the same attachment to them like the old shoes and clothes in my closet.Get the broom and do a total clean up.Maybe what we really need in 2016 is a little rearrangement spiritually, emotionally,physically and socially.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

The River and the Source

Happy new month!! We all love December thanks to all the festivities that come with it.Am already rehearsing Christmas carols. Before then allow me to share with you something that God taught me last week.

John 15:4-5,7-8 NIV Jesus explains that He is the true vine and no branch can bear fruits if they aren’t connected to the vine….Apart from me you can do nothing.He continues that you shall have whatever you ask and the Father will be glorified that you bear much fruit.

What I can tell you for a fact is that I haven’t had a smooth ride as a born again Christian.There are so many times I have wanted to give up but God always has a way of uplifting me during that time.What I have noted is that when am walking with Him,I am not afraid no matter what happens.I don’t worry about anything.There’s a way my skin glows,my intelligence, talents,beauty and relevance is visible.Wait until I leave the duty post and go visiting without official leave.I worry,get confused,understand nothing,get stranded,cry.Then I remember that He loves me and He’s jealous so I fall on my knees and do the necessary.

I am not advocating for leaving the goal post,am actually wondering if someone can relate to this.If you can this is for you.The ride will not be smooth but what you must be careful about is staying connected to the vine ALWAYS. It’s the only way you will have the impact you desire,that’s when you will be as relevant as you want,only then will you be on the world chart.As soon as you are Absent Without Official Leave everything will nose dive.

The bible says that only in Him do we move and have our being.If the water is blocked at the source there’s no water downstream.Our lives are the rivers the world ought to drink from so if there’s no source what shall the world drink??

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.