Dear Men

I am not in the habit of writing about men a lot and someone asked to do something about it.Being a woman I didn’t want to put my legs in their marshy grounds before someone correctly asks who I am to do that.So last week my father Fred said something that gave me the ground to write about men and with all humility and courage I your sister beseech you to hearken.
There are two types of men,those who are led by their brains and those led by testosterone. Fred also added “The circumcision of a man’s organ made him a male but circumcising his brain(maturity)is what makes him a man.” For a long time we’ve always looked at what women should and shouldn’t do but we’ve seen failed marriages and fatherless children.We have blamed the women citing Prov 31.What then is the role of men in families and society?
Men led by their brains are natural leaders.They are men of wisdom,can be trusted and are of honest report.Their friends on the other side chase the winds of these world.Brothers,can you be trusted with something little?You could be a leader in school,class or at work.How you’re managing that position will tell us more about your management skills in the future.No one will trust you with huge positions if you can’t be trusted with teams/your life!(Luke 16:10-12)
One day God will trust you with a wife and children.How you’ve chosen to live your life now will affect how you live then,nothing much will change.It’s the high time men wake up from their slumber,women are only willing to respect and submit to men who know where they are going and what they are on earth for(purpose).
The word men in the bible has been used as a mark of maturity and am sure that’s what God had in mind when he made them and like Paul tells Timothy;study to show yourself an approved workman who needs not be ashamed correctly dividing the word of truth(2 Tim 2:15).This is my challenge to you,wake up oh sleeping giants!

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Power Of Trust

Three years ago my friends and I went to a bush trip and I remember insisting to the guy I was with that he must make sure I get back to school before 7pm.He kept on insisting I should relax which annoyed me the more then he said,”if you can’t trust me then you aren’t trustworthy.”
First I got annoyed but a closer look at myself he had some truth.Now let’s talk about how we live daily.Some of us are really paranoid with people.You can’t trust them to do things like you ask so you keep on explaining,following up unnecessary and you are unhappy when they deliver.You know why? You didn’t trust their skill therefore you worked on them as opposed to working with them.
Overtime I have realised that when I work together with people especially tailors and hair dressers having trusted that they will deliver my design I have gone home a very satisfied client.Someone may not be the best in a certain area but because you are working closely and trusting each other the results are impeccable!
No one is perfect but like I said with affirmation, some little mutual trust between people gets the work done.Learning to trust people is difficult in this era but will suspense pay? Think about it.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.


Happy new year!! Trusting that you’re keeping well and implementing new year resolutions.Could better relationships be one of them?If yes put on your reading boots and let’s go…
How do you feel when someone appreciates you or your actions?It feels amazing right?Your moods get lifted,you are encouraged to do what you’ve been doing,your esteem goes a notch higher and a general feeling of acceptance is experienced.
In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs,acceptance is listed somewhere so we can correctly say that we feel the need for it. In every form of relationships we have we long to be accepted and affirmed(emotional encouragement/support).So if you want to better your failing relationships learn the art of affirmation.
It has turned low performing employees to the best in organizations.
My prayer is that we can learn to genuinely affirm our loved ones.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.