
Been long since I was here and am back with a three part post on forgiveness.About 90% of all problems are caused by unforgiveness.So this first part deals with the opposite of forgiveness: Unforgiveness.
Let me be practical,you’ve been faithful in your marriage but your spouse infects you with HIV. Your best friend marries your fiancee,your lover cheats on you,a family member rapes you,you’re tortured by a gang of thieves. God allows your beloved one to die after all the prayers.Are they worth forgiving?
The natural reaction if being hurt is resentment and bitterness.Now this is poison.One time in my life I was very bitter with everyone who had hurt me and God.Why did they have to do those things to me and why wasn’t God avenging for me?The truth is I stayed in that prison for a number of years justifying my need for revenge.That made me a rude,angry and stuck 15 year old.
This is what unforgiveness does:
– Makes us sick literally.About 61% of cancer patients have unforgiveness issues.Unforgiveness is a disease in medical books.
– Hinders our faith from working.Matt 11:22-26.
– Hands us over to our torturers.There’s nothing like the torture one goes through when you don’t forgive.Matt 18:23-35
– Prevents God from forgiving us and answering our prayers.Matt 6:14-15.
– Closes the door to peace and better relationships in our lives.
These are just a few consequences of harbouring unforgiveness in our lives.Next time we look at Why We Should Forgive.Keep reading..

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Vegetable Pilau

Good morning,am excited to be posting my very first recipe! Well I learnt it online tried and failed but finally worked.Am talking about this


You will need:
– 1 cup green peas boiled
– 1 glass of rice(if you’re solo like me)     washed and drained.
– 1 carrot diced
– 1 large onion
– 1 large tomatoes peeled and sliced
–  Green pepper(capsicum),coriander leaves, spices(pilau masala mix) and garlic.
1.In a sauce pan, heat the oil and fry the onions and garlic until golden brown.
2.Add tomatoes,coriander,carrots and green pepper and let them cook for a while but the carrots should be crispy.
3.Add the green peas and spices and let them cook to absorb the flavours.
4.Add the rice,stir and let cook for a minute or two.Note:Be careful it shouldn’t stick.
5.Add water in the ratio of 1:2 I.e for one glass if rice add two glasses of water.Let it cook under low heat until ready.
Prep time: 45 minutes
Serves 3
As always thanks for stopping by,please post your recipes here I’ll be glad to share and try.

Wambui Muriuki.


Happy new month!

Last week in class,the lecturer asked us to consider the works of the county governor.All of us had something negative to say.Then he went ahead to state a few projects that we all agreed on and finished with telling us to give credit where it is due.This sparked a thought in me about how we see things in our lives.It’s like natural for human beings to see things in a negative manner all the time.

Everyday we have something to complain about.The negative perspective cripples our ability to be positive.The thing with what we say is that it is usually the state of our minds.Bible says,from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.Jesus goes on to say that nothing outside man can harm him but all bad things come from within a man.You have the ability to become what you hear.So what are you listening to?

The question is actually how you’re seeing things in your life.It will affect how you live here and the impact you make.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.