African Infants

This week we were completing one of my best units:International Trade.I learnt that African states refer to their industries as ‘infant’ so they need more funding to grow.That’s as far we can remember.It got me thinking,don’t these infants ever grow?
These infants enjoy being babies and babies are attention seekers.When I was a young one my mama used to hand me a spoon to feed but I would fold my hands behind me and say,”Mama sina kono(Mama I don’t have hands)”.She had to feed me because I must eat to grow.
These are my two cents worth on African infants,no baby doesn’t grow and we don’t have big babies.Unless they were born with a congenital condition they ought to make steps.Africa has no congenital disorder, we have rich minerals and other resources.We have even produced rich men and women,our education system has no match. Our location on the world map is strategic yet we are still being called third world.
Why?Because you and I have refused to grow.We have steered away from constructive criticism of our governments,we are okay with status quo.You and I chant the same song of corruption and bad governance.We have accepted to be commoners while the ruling class gets richer at our expense.Haven’t we?
Julie Gichuru a Kenyan journalist says that we don’t need the whole town to change we only need one person.Like you know she’s doing something to make this baby grow.Like her,you and I can contribute to the growth of this infant wherever we are.Take up the challenge,whatever you do see Africa change.
I am doing my part,are you?

Blessings to you
blessings to Africa,

Wambui Muriuki.


Hosea 4:6-7 ESV
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge…
Proverbs 18:15 ESV
An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
I was reading a post by Dr. Strive Masiyiwa(you can find it on his Facebook page) on why you should read books.I requested him to allow me use it as a basis for this post.Did you know knowledge is biblical?God can’t stand simplicity of mind.He isn’t a partner with mediocrity.
Knowledge is freedom for your soul and body.I wish I could I’d list all the Bible verses on knowledge.A google search produced excellent results.In 2014 I was introduced to reading by a friend and since then I have read very many books from novels to character building.
The transformation has been priceless.I have grown in leaps and bounds especially with character,critical thinking and building relationships.Like Dr Masiyiwa put it Buy books and read.The investment is expensive but worth it.
Knowledge is might.You will not be swept by every theory out there because you can analyze better.Your decisions will be better informed.When matters arise around you knowledge will help you be the solution.
The list of benefits can never end.That’s why am challenging you to look for knowledge like a lost coin.There’s a way we look for money,you want more money look for knowledge first.Buy and read books.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Side plan?

My friend and I were laughing over how she always has a plan B in case of anything.There’s always a way out in case things don’t work.She’s isn’t alone because I have also found myself with plan B-Z just in case the results or things look like they won’t deliver.I have learnt a very crucial lesson which I will share with you today.
Winners never quit or better yet they don’t have other side plans.When you have another option you don’t give your all,whatever happens you are covered.The effect of this is that you don’t get to where you’re going,you don’t achieve your goals,you don’t meet expectations and you aren’t happy.That’s where you blame everyone and everything for your misfortune.
Every single time I had another plan I flopped,I never achieved my goals and I was unhappy.Now when I focus on something I do it with only one goal:getting it right,conquering the mountain.
Lack of a side plan enables you to channel all your energy and resources to that one thing.There’s no room for failing.Something else that happens is that you block out distractions.My professor calls distractions chasing after the hare and leaving your elephant.
Whatever it is that you plan to do this year have only one plan the main plan.No room for trending with caution or suspecting that things won’t work.Do it or do it.You’ll be wiser,stronger and better as a person.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Dying well

Psalms139:15-16 “My frame wasn’t hidden from you when I was made in the secret plece….All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.Psalms 90:12 Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.Psalms125:1 Those who trust in the Lord are like mount Zion that can not be shaken but endures forever.
A 10 year old girl with a terminal sickness and a few days days to live said to her mum,” Ma,you’ve taught me how to do laundry,clean up and be a good girl but tell me now how does one die well?”What would be your reply to her?.One of these fine days you and I are going to exit this life to the next one.Unfortunately we don’t know the day or hour we meet death and we know how much we dread talking about it.
How do you die well? Bible says it is appointed for man to die once then judgement.Dying well is dying prepared and having done the will of God for your life.The only way to prepare is to believe in Jesus in your heart,that’s the only way you’re guaranteed of living again.
Doing the will of God is continually abiding in Him and seeking to do what He called you for.While we are still in this life we can’t afford to live like we are headed nowhere mh-mh,we’ve hope in Jesus.Encourage one another when we are mourning 1Thessalonians 4:17-18.
Matters of death are mysterious and scary at times but we have to stay awake in light of these things while preparing to die well.Die well and you’ll rule again John 11:25-26.Die in Jesus.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

(Special thanks to Pst Eve whose sermon I used to put this together)

Tumeric +Honey Face Mask

Happy new week! In the spirit of International Women’s Day tomorrow,today we’ll speak some beauty stuff(sorry men allow us just for today)
Every woman wants to have a glowing skin free of spots,uneven tone,pimples and dark circles and being one of them I took to the net to discover the secret to that skin afew months ago.I discovered honey,tumeric,raw/natural yoghurt, sandal wood,coconut oil and so many other ingredients. I chose what was easy and readily available to begin with.
Honey,tumeric and natural yoghurt. This beauty mask leaves my skin glowing for weeks so I don’t have to do it every week.Unfortunately when I added the natural yoghurt it was too long light.
You will need 1 tablespoon of honey and 1teaspoon of tumeric.


Mix to make a smooth paste without lumps


Apply evenly not forgetting under the eyes.Let it sit for 20 minutes then wash off with lukewarm water.
It is always important to wash your face before you use any mask.As always feel free to drop a comment and share your own masks that I should also try.I’ll be more than glad to do so.
Learn the immense benefits of these natural products for your skin and in the words of one woman “everything you need to look beautiful is in your kitchen!”

Wambui Muriuki.



For the longest time ever I have dreamt of exercising to tone my body but it never seemed to actualize.So I kept on dreaming in 2015 including downloading the apps needed.I had to make it happen this year and I got an exercise partner! Double luck.

We all know how important exercise is to our bodies.A healthy life is a life of exercise.My exercise program began this week which coincides with my 30 days early rising program.Am starting with exercising my abs and aerobics.
Good news is that I don’t have to do this in a gym,I do it right in my house.All you need is the videos and the apps.


You will also need an exercise mat.If you’re wondering which apps am talking about,I recommend 7 minutes(for both men and women) and Brazillian Butt(girls you’ll love this).You can get them on Play Store for Android though am not sure with the iPhone.


Remember that exercise is good when done the right way.Warm up before commencing and drink water during rest times if you feel thirsty.Do it at your own pace and don’t strain much with time you’ll be as good as the trainers.

Let me go back to exercising now,see yah in the next post.Drop a comment and follow my blog. Happy exercising!

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.


Am sitting in my house so tired but when I remember someone somewhere needs some encouragement I have to write.It’s because of you my dear reader that I wake up so early,read so much and write.I appreciate you for taking time to visit and follow my blog.
Finally we’ve gotten to the real task;How to Forgive.I remember the day I made up my mind to forgive people how scared and angry I was.Scared because I didn’t know how I would let them know I bore no grudges,angry because I would have wanted God to let me see their downfall.For this article I will use teachings from Joyce Meyer.
This is how to forgive:
You will never forgive if you wait to feel like it.make a quality decision to forgive and God will do the rest.Resist the enemy’s bitter thoughts he will flee from you.
You can only forgive with the help of the Holy Spirit.You must humble yourself and ask Him for help.He is gentle He will come.
Do what the word says.Love your offenders Luke 6:27-28 ‘pray for your enemies and those who abuse and misuse you’.Rom 12:14 ‘Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse’.You can’t walk in forgiveness and be a gossip.
The quicker you forgive the easier it is(isn’t it easier to clean a small garbage heap than removing a pile?).
Finally Prov 4:23 guard your heart above everything else because it is the wellspring of life. And vengeance is the Lord’s Heb 10:30.I pray for you and myself that God helps us forgive others.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

P:S This blog post is an excerpt from Joyce Meyer’s book ‘Do Yourself A Favour…Forgive’ and very few additions of the author’s thoughts.


Yesterday we looked at unforgiveness so today we consider the reasons why we should forgive.
– Because we’ve been forgiven by God Col 3:13
– In obedience to God’s word.We are commanded to forgive as many times as possible.Matt 18:21-22
– Not to give Satan a chance.When we don’t forgive the enemy jumps into action to harbour characteristics of godlessness.
– For our healthy benefits. You cannot respond well when you are hurting,angry.
-None is righteous.All have fallen short Rom6:23
-In order to maintain good relationships with others and with God.
If you’re angry with God set Him free to do His work(to bless you,heal you,forgive you and give you peace).He is perfect and never wrong.We also need to forgive ourselves because we can’t offer what we don’t have.
My prayer is that we can find the grace to forgive.Tomorrow we will see How To Forgive.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.