Thrill of Obedience

If something is thrilling it’s something you enjoy doing.As Christians we are to walk in obedience though sometimes we think it is tedious.I’ll tell you a story.
Today I was supposed to run an important errand for someone,only to get there and discover my ID was required which I didn’t have.I went back home looking for it,found nothing and decided to use my medical insurance instead.On my way,the conductor asked everyone for fare except me.When we alighted he went away and I looked for him to pay.
As I walked away,God reminded me of being a woman of integrity(which he woke me up to yesterday).I reminded Him of my current situation and He assured a solution.I went to the office presented my medical insurance and voilĂ ! I was sorted and helped my friend.
Obedience is never as difficult as we want it.It is a way of discovering God and His amazing ways.Obedience should never be out of fear of negative consequences of disobedience.God’s blessings come from obedience so while you do it you’ll find amazing joy.Every time you do something right,you feel happy and lifted.
Trust and obey,to be happy in Jesus.That’s how I feel today.


Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Note:Thrill of obedience was a bible study for 30th Dec 2015 on


The past few weeks have been a roller coaster for me(will write about it soon).As usual I talked to my mum who quickly drew out her study bible handed it to me and asked me,”What are your fears?”.Indeed they are many.Armed with my mama’s bible I began to seek answers from God and this is what He taught me.
In this life God hasn’t promised a smooth sail and like The Martins sing”….I never said that fear wouldn’t find you in the night or that loneliness was something you’d never have to fight…”So fear is going to be part of our lives.I felt afraid,afraid that I’d die,get cancer,not succeed,was loosing it.
Fear is a force as positive as faith and just as faith attracts good things to the one who releases it,fear attracts bad things when released. Job 3:25,Job’s fears materialized irrespective of God’s testimony about him.He was afraid of his children sinning and that those good things couldn’t last.Did they??
When fear overcomes us,we ought to release our faith instead of our fears.The one thing I have learnt this week is to vocalize my faith in the face of fear.Check your fears constantly and remember fear and faith never dwell in the same room.Once we lift our faith it goes to God the giver of all good and perfect gifts and faith will accomplish the task for which it was sent.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Answered Prayers

Happy new month! Yes the month’s still young and six days into it,I’ve been taking stock of my life and the contents of this post stood out.Have you been asking God for something and looks like He hasn’t done it? That makes many of us but have you paused and thought about that prayer item closely?
Since last year there are several things that I kept on asking God for and I was thinking He forgot.Nothing was happening,I even stopped praying and let the tide take me to wherever.That was until a few months ago.I started noticing that things were changing in my life it’s just that I hadn’t taken time to see them.He had answered!!
As I thanked God He reminded me that I asked them in secret and He answered.He reminded me that though it took time He hadn’t forgotten them He was taking His time to do them.He taught me that He needed not answer them with thunderstorms, He had other ways and means that I couldn’t even see!! I asked Him to forgive me for not trusting Him.
You could be there with a prayer item that is taking forever to get answered don’t despair.Our prayers don’t have to be answered with signs and wonders for them to qualify as testimonies.They could be as simple as God helping you to change gradually,paving a way for things to work and other little great ways that our God will choose.
Trust Him to answer the prayer.Mark 11:23 NIV Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.Keep reading for more answered prayers that I’ll share.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.