The Grain

The Grain

Dear readers of this blog,thank you.I appreciate your feedback on the blog and on my personal line and am humbled that in one way or another God has encouraged you when you stopped by.
Today am writing about an interesting verse I came across two days ago.John 12:24 I tell you the truth,unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies,it remains only a single seed.But if it dies,it produces many seeds.


When a grain lays in the store it is in a comfortable state probably enjoying the the company of the rest of the grains in the bag but the farmer takes that seed and buries it into the ground expecting a harvest after a certain period.In the ground,the seed can go into dormancy to stand the harsh conditions while waiting for the suitable conditions for growth.The grain also has water,oxygen and warmth and those hormones it produces for growth.


The grain cycle is analogous for the human life.The grain must die so must we.Despite the harsh conditions the grain is expected to survive.In our lives we must leave our comfortable abodes.We must die to some behaviors, characters,talks,friends and all other limitations for us to grow and bear a lot of fruit.


While in that state of death,God will take us through hard and good seasons and He expects us to win.Jesus won so shall we.Some of the harsh conditions will include separation,trials,tests of faith but He will be faithful to place people and situations that will encourage us and help us along the way.
When your time to be cast to the ground comes,celebrate because the end results will be worth it.Don’t struggle with God on it.If you’re going through the process,God is at work in you hold on and trust Him.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

One Day at A Time

One Day at A Time

Here I am in the dead of the night tossing in bed and sleep not forthcoming.One because I have tonsillitis and my wisdom teeth are coming out with a lot of pain.Two because I am thinking about all the things I want to do in my life from designing,to blogging,to business,to music,to masters degree and PhD etc etc yet I feel I haven’t done anything.
Then God has reminded me something:Child take one day at a time.Prov 16:3 Commit thy plans unto the Lord and your thoughts shall be established. Yes I have many plans and goals but I don’t need to have sleepless nights because God is wide awake and can make them happen.This is what He has put in my heart a few minutes ago
1.Take one day at a time.Write those things you want to achieve and their timelines and pick what to start with.


2. Do something about those goals everyday and do it perfectly.


3. Don’t be in a hurry,exercise patience. You’ll be surprised how well you did in the end.


4. Celebrate your small wins and be thankful in all situations.
5.Confidence.People believe in you if you believe in yourself and believe God.
Tonight if you’re feeling the same way,be encouraged that you can tell God all those things and wait in and on Him to accomplish them.I pray the message in this post and pictures brings comfort to you as they did to me.
Peace be still,one day at a time.


Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.


Hi lovelies,
On this side of the globe the cold is literally biting us.So most of the time we are indoors sipping some good Kenyan tea,cocoa or coffee(And by the way our tea is good,really good).
While indoors and make up on my dressing table I decided to try out something.Here’s what I did..Oh please don’t mind my turtleneck,Maasai shuka they are this weather’s essentials.
Enjoy the photos taken with my phone with help from a friend.




These looks above were achieved using eye and lip liner.Oh I caught the turban fever.




Try to nail the Ajuma Nasenyana look

There’s no Africa without winnowing,correct?


That’s all for today.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Hair Journey:Product Review

I’ve been wanting to do this for a very long time.Today it must be done.As a natural hair,the journey is normally trial and error and mine is no different.However,mine had been made easy by writing to several natural hair bloggers and wanting to find out how I can build a good regimen. The most helpful have been Kurly Kichana of and Sheila Ndinda of other issue has been hair products.Natural hair requires steering clear of synthetics the likes of Parabens,Sulphates etc.Thankfully I have managed to get several natural hair product manufacturers in the country.I will share them at the end of this post.


These two are the first ones I’ll review.The cream product is a Shampoo bar from Shea by Asal.Its 100% natural and smells herbal.I noticed that it lathers easily and my hair absolutely loved it!It goes for just 400/= I.e + or -$4.I got it from one of their stockists in Nairobi CBD.Give it a try,I absolutely recommend.
Next to my book is my all time favorite curling gel,Marini Curl Magic Curling Gel.I could go on and on about how amazing it is but let me tell you the basics.
It’s instant,I mean you apply a little on your damp hair and those God given curls bounce! Oh and it smells so amazing you can’t help but love your hair.It goes for 850/=(I don’t know if the price has changed).It’s available in majority of the beauty stores in Nairobi including Healthy U,Sheth Naturals,Chandarana Food plus.The icing on the cake is that it is Kenyan made and 100% natural


That’s one of the ways Marini worked on my hair.Wash and gos haven’t been this easy.These two are among the many I’ll keep on reviewing so keep watching for more.Natural hair journey is one you keep learning every time and will take time.Am still building a good regimen and when am through will sure share.
Please check these natural hair manufacturers on Facebook and Instagram:Marini Naturals,Shea by Asal,Ajani Handmade,Sheth Naturals,Zanzi Naturals.
Share your regimens and reviews with me I’ll be glad to see them.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Let’s Talk Relationships:Self Centredness

Human beings are relational beings.We exist in relationships be it family,work,church or love.Unfortunately there are days we feel like we are the only ones giving too much and receiving nothing.Can you relate to that? That’s what am talking about:Self-centered.
Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church was talking about the 80-20 rule.People tend to forego the 80 we love for the 20 we want.Be careful and make sure the 20 is really worth it.When relationships become about us these things happen
1. WE becomes ME.
Everything is I need,I want,I, I, I, Me.So where is the other person left?


2. Debtors become collectors.
There was a time someone and I had an argument and I said something that ended that conversation on a hurting note.Immediately God convicted me of being a debtor to the cross yet I was collecting what I thought that person owed me.I had to apologize.
Don’t justify your actions and if God had mercy in you He expects you to have mercy on others.
3. Covenant becomes contract.
Suddenly it becomes optional to fulfill your obligations to the other person.You must receive first in order to give failure to which you won’t do it! Someone correctly said that contracts are based on mutual mistrust while covenants are based on mutual trust


Maybe one of these or all resonate with you today,there’s something you can do to improve.Indeed no one is perfect and you can learn to see those people as perfectly imperfect.Don’t rush your words with them Ephesians 4:29,32 Proverbs 15:1.
Finally,remove your hands from your hips and wrap them around someone!


Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Power of She:You and I

Power of She:You and I


We’ve looked at biblical examples of power of she so today we see how this can be you and I. In Kenya we’ve two problems devouring us:greed and tribalism. Indeed the Bible has shown that women have a soft power that can change the world.To this day,the ripple effects of Rebekah can still be felt.
The Kenyan woman has a big role to play to affect generations.We have to realise that our children are learning from us.They are learning to disrespect leaders and hate other tribes because that’s what they see us do.The big question is What woman are you becoming?
You and I can use our soft power to start a revolution that will bring healing and sanity in our nation(s).I say to you that prayer is not enough we must lead so well yet with humility that we will be head hunted for those positions we’re fighting our male counterparts for.We can lead our families,work teams,groups and institutions in such a way that the nation can feel the effect.This can be done quietly,diligently,humbly and wisely without much activism and hard headedness.
If we sit back and do nothing,God will judge us.If we teach our children to love another,do the right thing always,value morals and serve humanity we will have changed the next generation. We may not live to see the results but posterity will realise them.That will be the legacy we will have left behind.
Let’s start the revolution!

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

[Note:Power of She post was built from Mrs Nancy Oginde’s sermon ‘Power of A Mother’.Mrs Oginde is wife to Bishop David Oginde,Presiding Bishop CITAM,Nairobi,Kenya.]

Power of She:Biblical Examples.

Power of She:Biblical Examples.


Happy new month!
This post will look at some of the women in the bible who used their wisdom and power and affected their children and the whole generation.
Gen 25:22-23,we see Rebekah Isaac’s wife seek God pertaining to the struggle of her children in the womb and God’s word concerning them.V.28 tell us of the parental preferences in that family.Gen 27:5-17,46-28:2,explains the manipulative actions of Rebekah to get her favorite son a blessing and get him to escape.She never sought God on this matter.Gen 30:32-43,shows the seeds of cunningness in Jacob to gain more wealth.Rebekah had taught her son that the end justifies the means.
Exodus 1:15-21 tells us of Hebrew midwives who used wisdom to save the Israelites’ sons.Ex 2:2-9,Moses’ mother Jochebed involved the whole family to watch out for her son at the river.Miriam his sister was at the right place at the right time to execute God’s plan.It also seems like his mother taught him who he was.Ex 4:14,God tells Moses that Aaron his brother would help him and would be glad to meet him.This was evidence that there was no sibling rivalry. Exodus 15 has the song of Moses and Miriam.
Later on God testifies about the house of Jochebed,Micah 6:4,….’Have I not sent before you Moses,Miriam and Aaron?’
Paul writing to Timothy also testifies of the faith that was in Timothy’s grandmother Lois and mother Eunice which is in him now 2 Tim 1:5.If you examine these examples closely you will realise that all the women involved did something that affected their generations.
In the next post we will look at how these examples apply to modern women in this country and how we like some of them can change this country.Thank you for reading!

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.