Looking Back 2

Looking Back 2

My favorite bloggers do stock taking from This is ESS,Ms Kibati and many others.I do ‘Looking Back’ rather what I’d call reflections.Honestly speaking the last time I did this was last year a time like now which is bad,I need to do it oftenly.

So from then these are the chronicles of my life.

Eating: Everything! This cold weather has transformed me into….even Mr P laughs every time I say am just eating.Carbs and fruits are my fav.And I am 61kgs Yaaaay!!

Queer eating habit: Boiled maize daily! If I don’t grab a piece I feel like am not complete and the way I chew it without feeling embarrassed even if the guy next to me is staring like,”This pretty girl eats maize?” 

Drinking: Tea.Chai.It is shocking me than its shocking my mum.

Reading: The Bible more.As I put posts together I just find myself referring to scriptures.My auntie gave me a beautiful devotional book by Donna Maltese that I’ve been ready daily. I’ll be honest:I have slumped on reading motivation books instead am buying novels at the moment am reading Yesterday by Fern Michaels.

Watching: Grey’s Anatomy,White Collar,Covert Affairs and every other investigative I lay my hands on.

Exercise: Lord please help me here.

Appreciating: That this life rewards hardwork.People at their level of knowledge.Good manners and positive thinking.

Obsessing: On Ankara fabrics and designs.DIYs,Cars,Photography,All things natural hair and fashion!

Fearing: Electric faults.The pole next to our house misbehaved so am avoiding these electricity lines like plague.

Sewing: Skirts and dresses(Enrolled for a tailoring class).Some woolen fabrics with my mum.

Learning: To be content.To take one day at a time.To be comfortable with my body and skin.To be thankful at all times.To appreciate others and to be humble.To be open minded more.To state my case and stick there.

Crushing: On Hill Harper and Matt Bomer(He has blue eyes and the way he suits up…Damn!)

Keeping off

Thinking: About taking my Masters,business and this blog.

Feeling: Happy,loved and thankful for all the blessings.

Hoping: To cook better,have a family,have a big library and be the best I can.You keep on reading my blog and getting inspired.

Blessings to you,
Wambui Muriuki.

Tribalism,Education and Culture.

Been a minute since I was here last.Dunno why I woke up thinking about this.But first,I appreciate your effort to stop by to read an article or two.Thank you.

Every time I think about a topic like this,Prof George S.J. Dei from Canada pops into my mind reminding me of his speech on Education Activism.Oh and the the 10th Annual conference on this topic will be happening at Embu University College this July, he will be in attendance.

We were all born somewhere to a certain tribe with a certain culture before we went to school where we interacted with other tribes.Tribe taught us mother tongue, culture gave us some rules we still abide to(e.g. I am not supposed to touch the plants that make the local beer Muratina among the Agikuyu of Kenya.If I do I am supposed to wash my hands with ash.I touched it once and my dad cleaned my hands with ash).Education demystified some of the taboos and stories we knew.It also introduced religion.

We also learnt our proverbs which we oftenly refer to time and again.That brings me to my thoughts on how we can use the last two to beat this animal Tribalism.

Wisdom is correct application of knowledge(what you’ve been taught or learnt/acquired) therefore we ought to apply education and cultural roots to promote oneness.Africa is blessed to have amazing traditions that people travel to come and see.Have you seen our Maasai morans jumping? Or the amazing Botswana dancers!

These traditions ought to bring joy and foster unity as we travel far and wide to go learn and watch.Am saying that irrespective of how learned you are,go back to your roots and learn something.The Prof I referred to above is a chief in his tribe!

Education and culture is the tool we schooled members of the community ought to use to defeat tribalism.That it is OK to marry elsewhere without your grandpa asking why you sold the tribe, that cultural weeks will be held everywhere,that our so called leaders cannot divide us against tribal lines.

Finally,all the proverbs our forefathers gave us are synonymous to Proverbs of King Solomon.They always addressed how we ought to live with everyone.My people say,”Andu nío indo(People are wealth) “.

Last word:

“…. A house divided against itself cannot stand…I do not expect the Union to be dissolved–I do not expect the house to fall…but I do expect it to cease to be divided.

It will become all one thing or all the other.

….Did we brave all of them to falter now?–now when that same enemy is wavering,dissevering  and belligerent?

The result is not doubtful.We shall not fail–If we stand firm,we shall not fail.

Wise councils may accelerate or mistakes delay it,but,sooner or latter the victory is sure to come.”

Abraham Lincoln, June 18,1858 Springfield,Illinois.


Blessings to you,blessings to Africa,

Wambui Muriuki.

Empty Wells

Empty Wells

Happy new month! Behold half the year is up,hello next half.Remember to add value.In line with this,is a post I’ve been compiling that I pray spurs you to action to make the second half of 2016 worthwhile.


Empty wells.In the world people have different abilities,talents and gifts.Some of us have one,two and others several.I’m in the last category.Matthew 25:14-30 gives the story of a master who gave his servants talents(a fair sum) and later came to collect it and gave rewards each according to what they returned.
Rev Chris Oyakhilome in a Rhapsody of Realities wrote that he knew he could sew clothes so he can never sleep hungry because he’ll put that ability to good use.This brings me to our lives.No one is an empty well.God put a good deposit in each person which he expects will be put into good use.


One day someone asked me what their talent was,I told them to look deeper into themselves they would find it.Another asked me how I knew my talents,gifts and abilities,I told them I naturally started finding I had a liking for these things so I did them all the more.While this post won’t outline how to know your talents,gifts and abilities,I pray that it will help you get down to work.
How do you use your talents,gifts and abilities?
1.To touch other people’s lives.Writing comes naturally to me,so when God gave the word,He said I would write to heal.That’s the story behind the blog.
2. To build the church(see 1Corinthians 12:7-11).Whatever you have can be used in church including creativity,cooking,art etc
3.To build yourself.Plainly you can make a name for yourself and earn a decent living through your deposit.
Prov 22:29 Refine your talents,gifts and abilities.Some people think because they are naturals in something they don’t need to perfect it.That’s a lie.You want to stand before men,sharpen your skills.


Finally,the Master is coming quickly with His reward(see Revelation 22:12).Don’t just sit there,you aren’t empty.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.