Inspiration Thursday #1

Today is Thursday! My new found hobby is collecting quotes all over for everyday motivation and I toyed with the idea of sharing them with you every Thursday for a very long time.This is the new segment in the blog and my prayer and hope is that each quote speaks to you and lifts your spirit.

Here goes our very first quote.

Thank you for always dropping by to read.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.



Hi readers,been a minute since I was here! Talk of being busy while chasing one of my new year resolutions and I do it 8am-5pm so am still creating more time to try and blog.Nevertheless I still appreciate you for reading.Many thanks.Oh and that picture is my mom and I some major throw back.

The word mother has been derived to mean many things but this morning it mean two things to me:God conferring the Power to create.When God created a woman He carefully added some features that enabled her to serve His purpose for the world.Unlike men;logical and straight thinkers women have some power to discern and see things others can’t.I mean didn’t Peter and John run to the grave together with Mary Magdalene but only the woman stood there long enough to see the Risen Christ?(See John 20)
The title Mother is the highest title any woman will ever have.In other words,God’s entrusting you with a responsibility to build.The building part:A mother has the power to build confidence in every member of the home.She can shape the children’s destiny without them realizing it.She is the wall that prevents negative forces from damaging her family by prayer and sound doctrine. The mother instills morals and virtues to the children.She can spur faith(See 2 Tim 1:5)

On the flip side she can be the destructive force:She can poison your thoughts against everyone.She can manipulate everybody while playing the victim.You can all be mislead by her.Her actions may cause your lives to be miserable(Rebekah,Isaac’s wife:A simple lie tore her family apart)

The big question here is What mother do you want to be?To mother isn’t just taking care of the young one you bore mh-mh it is much more. My mum has always been a good example of how to mother;You see even if things didn’t work out as expected and sometimes we felt like she had failed she has always did this one thing.She would fast and pray and read her bible for directions on how to keep us close to her.

These prayers works significantly because I got born again and stopped being rebellious!My sister and I drew closer than before and the three of us are happy girls.Moreover the wisdom,patience,undertanding and faith in Jesus that I possess are from her.The way she has lived her life trusting God for everything even in the toughest of times has made me the woman I am today.

While you’re a young woman with no marriage intentions let alone bae in sight,it doesn’t mean you can’t be a mother(Who said mothers are just the biological ones?).The way to be the best mother is having a relationship with the Creator and investing in yourself to radiate good qualities that can be copied.Some work right there to be done.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Come As You Are

Been weeks since I was here last.A lot has happened.Did you know that everyone needs a shoulder to cry on irrespective of who they are? That’s what I need after the loss of a friend.Please say a prayer for me and the family.Nevertheless the God of all compassion has been faithful and comforting.I’ll tell you all about it after the hurt passes.
On Wednesday my devotion was 1 Corin 3:5 NIV,The Lord has assigned to each his task.In life,we have a purpose for which God created you.We also have service to God and mankind which God Himself allocated for you.While praying with this word,I was asking God what He wants me to do which He had confirmed already but I started quoting my shortcomings.

I complained of my mishaps and those other things that weigh me down in this walk.God put the song ‘I surrender all’ in my spirit with the word that He isn’t concerned with my failures but I should come just as I am! I should come to Him with a contrite spirit,broken and He will not despise(See Psalms 51:17)

Your shortcomings are many but God is looking for a vessel He will use.He wants you to lift those hands as a sign of surrender,your heart as it is and He will fight the giants in your life.Don’t allow the enemy to defeat you by reminding you how feeble you are.On that rugged cross,Jesus conquered so that you would conquer.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.