Fallen Soldier:: Bosco

Blessed are those who die in the Lord.In their death the righteous are at rest.My friend this is my tribute to you

You lived your your young life fully dependent on God and seeking Him.He found it well to call you to be with Him.

The day I was told of your demise will be the worst in my life.To think that by the time I invited you to come celebrate my graduation you had already left.

I can still remember the last time we talked and joked about who would marry next after our chairman. I keenly listened to you outlining your dreams and the things you wanted to do in the next few years.

I felt honoured and humbled at the same time when you asked me to come do back up for your songs.I always wondered why you insisted on paying me while I was happy doing it.Supporting a brother.

Humility and cheerful demeanour were the garments you wore.We will miss your good ideas,outspoken character and voice.Oh and that Kamba dancing style that was half lingala half African. We will feel something missing when we congregate to sing.

We won’t ask our Father questions but if there was a way to bring you back we would.My comfort is every time I think about you,God whispers that you’re asleep.I have this assurance that at the point of impact God allowed you to rest in place of pain.

Bosiko my friend,shine on your way.Rest in the Lord and I know one of these days our Lord will appear and that trumpet you shall hear from the grave and wake up to eternal joy.There we shall sing Hakuna Matata kwa Yesu.Koma Nesa.


Inspiration Thursday #5

Good morning on thsi side of the globe.

Many times in life we feel overwhelmed because of what we have and what we want.The things we want seem so distant and the more we focus on them the more unhappy we become but get encouraged and count your blessings.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Just Help

Just Help

Hi y’all

So today God decided to teach me something in the most unexpected way.My dad and I were driving home this evening and we meet a vehicle that has veered off the road and stuck in a ditch.Three car owners were trying to help him to get out and my dad pulled over and turned off the engine.Shocked I asked my dad if he knew the driver and he looked at me and said,”You don’t have to know them but you don’t leave a fellow driver stranded.”

We got out and four more vehicles pulled over.I watched the men chant and lift the vehicle out of the ditch.They left one after the other and I didn’t even hear thank you handshakes.

In this era of fraudsters,thieves and all sorts of con men one may wonder why you should help anyone.Indeed we can justify our actions when we pass people in need because we aren’t sure about them but this isnt how it ought to be.Before you critic anything offer a helping hand.
Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

The Scars

The Scars

What’s a scar? If you ask me it is a tissue that replaces the original skin tissue after a wound has healed.Mind you the scar tissue is stronger than the original skin tissue.If you grew up in the village you have several scars to show for your childhood. You got injured climbing trees to steal your grandma’s loquats, mangoes,trying to sneak through the fence and like me I have many because I fell all the time trying to climb trees.What do your scars remind you about? Do you feel nostalgic or sad?

Scars are not only physical but emotional at times.Emotional ones take a long time to heal and energy to get over.From my own experience the physical ones make me laugh while the emotional ones make me wince at times while at the same time appreciating that I learnt something.

Our scars aren’t the most beautiful parts of our bodies but God ensured they’d be there so that we would learn something.We love to regret we were never in those situations but that has to change so that we can appreciate life.

We have to understand that scars are a reminder of our strengths and not weaknesses. They show we are survivors of hard times and the lessons we took from them we ought to share with others.

Here are some of my best quotes that I pray encourage you to embrace those irregular darker than normal shades in you.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.