Inspiration Thursday #10

Inspiration Thursday #10

Good morning,

At one point or another in life we must have experienced or shared love with someone.It was beautiful,don’t you agree?

Unfortunately we associate love with how we feel instead of how we act based on the decisions we make in light of the other party.So love isn’t that marshy marshy(part of it is) feeling.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.



After my graduation my Godly wise mum asked me to visit my grandmas to have a mini photoshoot with them wearing the graduation gown.I took that opportunity to tag my photographer along and take a few more for the blog.

The outcome was a nice background with him agreeing to shoot Canon(my fav cameras).

Enjoy them

Hat,pants,cardigan and top-Bend and pick boutique(i.eThrifted)


Glasses-Baus Opticals


Photography-Derric Juma of Juma Photography


Wambui Muriuki.

Inspiration Thursday #9

Our inspiration today has delayed but the day isn’t over until 2359 hours.This particular one by Lisa Unger caught my attention when I least expected it and at a time in my life when am learning so much about love and life.

Find the message therein and stay inspired.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Inspiration Thursday #8

My favourite day of the week is here.What makes Inspiration Thursdays so special is that there’s so much to draw inspiration from yet I can only do one at a time. Sometimes it feels like having one candy while you want many.I have always resisted the temptation of printing them and hanging at a section in my bedroom and call it Inspiration Corner.

Another reason is that I always pray that the picture messages speak to you and lift your spirit when you read.

On 13th October our picture message is this one by the beautiful Kaki Mwihaki of Adawnage Band.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Inspiration Thursday #7

Happy Thursday! Who noted that Inspiration Thursday #5 was done twice?

That not withstanding, today we continue with our series of inspiration.I leave it here and my prayer is that we change our mindset on giving because giving isn’t just material,it can also be a word of kindness, devotion or service.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

2nd Blogaversary

Two years ago in September, I sat in front of a desktop working on something I didn’t know.Couple of months earlier I was struggling with identity and purpose until I asked what I was here for.God answered by simply breathing an idea into my mind called blogging. Actually the blog was initially called Daily Life Insights haha and first post was ‘Wanna Know People'(Find it at the archives).

I look back at the Wambui Muriuki then and can’t help but appreciate the growth.In this journey which many do not understand I have learnt five things that I’d like to share:

1. Authenticity

When I began I wanted to blog like the famous bloggers I knew but I realized that would be photocopy.I had to find out my niche and stick there.My niche was and still is whole living from learning daily to beauty.Being original meant that I had to speak to my readers in a manner that they could understand.

2. Purpose

Why am I blogger?Honestly I have asked myself this question times without number!Tell you what there are times I didn’t feel like I was doing anything,I’d start writing and feel like I didn’t want to.I wrote posts that I didn’t post here.However purpose reminded me that this was God’s project and I had to depend on Him fully.Purpose affirmed the call.


It took several months to have someone read a post here and a year to see a comment.We’ve all been there as bloggers chasing numbers which never come.I’ve learnt that patience isn’t measured by time but by discipline.

4. Continuous Learning and Growth

Blogging challenged me to read more and seek growth.I can’t give what I don’t have.I can’t write what I don’t know.I bought more books,borrowed them and even lost some.

5.Stay at The Source

As a Christian everything comes from God. The wisdom I have I was given by God.Every time I felt like not staying at the source I never wrote or learnt anything.Two years on the verses have been Prov 3:5-6,16:3.

Finally readers,the blog couldn’t be what it is without you.I am extending an invitation to you to create Happy Blogaversary posts on our Facebook page @Wambui Muriuki R or Instagram @wamboh.muriuki.I will select as many as I can and will feature them here on the blog.Remember to leave your name.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.