Inspiration Thursday #12

Thursday’s here and you might have noticed we didn’t have an Inspiration Thursday twice because of circumstances I couldn’t avoid including laying my grandma to rest.

We continue with Julien Smith series and today we draw inspiration from these three quotes.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Totally Dependent

Totally Dependent

Psalms 62:7-8 NLT

My victory and honor come from[depend on] God alone.He is my refuge,a rock where no enemy can reach me.O my people,trust him at all times.Pour out your heart to him,for God is our refuge.

Many bloggers will tell you that having a blog posts plan is the best way to keep your readers entertained.I tried having one and my oh my.Fashion posts,hair and beauty posts we all lined up but the daily lessons posts.In that one God was categorical on leaving it out.I asked Him why He couldn’t let me plan them also and the answer was a simple challenge;Depend on me for those because that was my idea.

As crazy as it sounds,He took me back to that afternoon He put my blog together as a inspiration platform.Truth is that I didn’t know anything but He taught me everything(I’ve never been good at writing).If this was His work in me He was going to carry it on until completion.”God,have it your way” was my answer.

In our daily lives we make many plans and establish different projects to help us better our livelihoods.What we don’t realise is the power of being totally dependent on God to make it.We get so caught up in making all the plans,drawing the charts and allocating responsibilities as a way of executing the vision.

We don’t go to God first for direction,inspiration and motivation for the day.That is a good explanation for our frustration when things don’t turn out as expected.Some of us received a calling and when we got to the top we started scheduling activities,got a few secretaries(they are good by the way) and no longer have time for God.My friend you’re on automatic pilot enroute to failure.

Being totally dependent on God means that He comes first in whatever you do.It is realising that as soon as you take a step off the track you can’t make it.It means that you know you’re imperfect but our God is perfect.It is humbly accepting the assignment and clinging on to God for directions.When you’re totally dependent on Him,you’ll never stumble He will lead you to the beautiful places of this life.

Depending on God for daily lessons made me humble enough to accept teaching from others lest I boast how great a writer I am!It meant that Wambui Muriuki the blogger has to stay plugged in to the power source so that when you read a post here,God can encourage you.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Overwhelmed 2

Overwhelmed 2

“The archenemy of spiritual authenticity is busyness which is closely tied to something the Bible calls worldliness–getting caught up with this society’s agenda, objectives and activities to the neglect of walking with God.~Bill Hybels.

Having looked at the first solution to being overwhelmed we must now put faith to work.These practical approaches can be helpful to us.

1.Realize your limits.

You can’t do everything in a day.Learn to ask God what not to-do.Divide your tasks into manageable numbers and don’t shy from asking others for help.

John Wesley said,” Though am always in haste,I am never in a hurry because I never undertake more work than I can go through with calmness of Spirit.”

2.Be wise in the things you choose to do.

Consider the opportunities before you and when necessary say no.Sometimes you night have to say no so that you can say yes to the best things.

“One of the greatest tests of human character is found in making critical choices of selection and rejection amidst all of the opportunities that lurk in life’s path….” ~Gordon MacDonald.

3.Leave time in your schedule for the unexpected.

We call them white spaces.Learn to rest easy when they come…The bus left your son in his way to school,drive him to school while you bond!

4.Spend time being as you’re doing.

Through out your day be the child God wants you to be.Joyful,loving,patient, forgiving, kind,calm,unhurried and anxious about nothing.

5.Have your priorities straight.

Your spiritual and physical health come first.Next your spouse,family and people at work,church,community and play.Don’t let to-do lists crowd out people.

Have dinner with sweetheart, go for fellowship,play with family,read your children a story at home. Help a needy person,visit the less fortunate.

Finally reviewing our to-do list with our priorities clearly outlined before us and God in the fore front of our minds means that we are reorienting our lives to please God.

Allow Jesus to refocus your priorities and be firm in the belief that no matter what happens today God is with you(Gen 21:22).Your victory and honour comes from God(Psalms 62:7-8)

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

[Power Prayers to Start Your Day by Donna K. Maltese was helpful in putting this post together]

Ruffles on Ankara

Ruffles on Ankara

Ruffles on a dress make changes the look to something flattering depending on the fabric and the volume.

On my graduation I decided to wear a ruffled sleeveless dress and this is how it turned out.I paired the dress with blue accessories and gold wedges.

I chose the brown fabric as ruffles to neutralize the print.You can use many other fabrics including lace.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.

(Am not as brown as I look,thanks to the sunset and camera flash)

Dress: Designed and made by me 

Shoes: Felister

Accessories: My own

Photo credits: Moses @Moswide Bridal Photography +254 728467002

Location: Embu.

Stay happy and dress up,

Wambui Muriuki.


Happy new month! How time goes fast,the other day was 1st Jan and now we can almost sing Christmas carols..

There was a time I went to work and at the end of the day I’d feel like I had done nothing.There was so much to do yet I did nothing or so I felt.So much pressure around me and I was experiencing a burnout.Any one relating?

When I talked to Jesus about it I came across this great lesson that I want you to take home.Whatever you do it is God who causes you to think and act so that He can take delight(see Phil 2:13 NKJV).As the 2016 curtains draw,you may feel like you have so much to accomplish before the year ends.The to-do list is very long and the time is short.So you’re depressed.

Good news is that there’s a solution!Trust the Lord and He’ll direct you(See Prov 3:5-6),commit your plans–in this case the to-do list to God and watch Him do the rest(See Prov 16:3).No need to be overwhelmed anymore.

When I started trusting that He takes pleasure as I sew and I can forward my daily tasks to Him first thing in the morning,my days have been lighter even when challenges come my way.May this spur hope and rest for you.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.