
Happy new month! How time goes fast,the other day was 1st Jan and now we can almost sing Christmas carols..

There was a time I went to work and at the end of the day I’d feel like I had done nothing.There was so much to do yet I did nothing or so I felt.So much pressure around me and I was experiencing a burnout.Any one relating?

When I talked to Jesus about it I came across this great lesson that I want you to take home.Whatever you do it is God who causes you to think and act so that He can take delight(see Phil 2:13 NKJV).As the 2016 curtains draw,you may feel like you have so much to accomplish before the year ends.The to-do list is very long and the time is short.So you’re depressed.

Good news is that there’s a solution!Trust the Lord and He’ll direct you(See Prov 3:5-6),commit your plans–in this case the to-do list to God and watch Him do the rest(See Prov 16:3).No need to be overwhelmed anymore.

When I started trusting that He takes pleasure as I sew and I can forward my daily tasks to Him first thing in the morning,my days have been lighter even when challenges come my way.May this spur hope and rest for you.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

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