Inspiration Thursday #17

Inspiration Thursday #17

Today is the last Thursday of 2016 the year of Great Overflow.I am particularly excited that you have been with me through out the year reading,commenting and asking questions which makes me thankful to God for you.Asante sana.

Take sometime and reflect how the year has been for you. You may not have achieved all your resolutions so now you have a chance to make more realistic ones which a time like now next year you’ll look back and appreciate.

However I can’t leave you uninspired and here is another Julien Smith..

As we draw the curtains I am wishing you a happy new year.May blessings in abundance abound to every part of your life.Prosper in body as well as your souls and keep reading.God bless you.

Happy new year!

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

My Simple Tricks

My Simple Tricks

Being a girl requires that you hack some of these things and here are those that I apply….

1.Long eyelashes

Am not a great fan of mascara although I wear it once a while.When I am not wearing it I use my petroleum jelly(Vaseline) to make them pop.

2.Of thrifted trousers

Buying trousers on the streets can be a task and a half.It’s tricky when you are wearing one and you can’t try on and we know they don’t have changing rooms.So how do you know it’ll fit your waist?

I fold my wrist into a fist and fit the trouser on my hand with my fist all the way to the elbow.If it fits right then am good to go.

3.Removing make up

Don’t ever sleep in make up no matter how tired or lazy you feel.To remove my liners and lipstick I dab some little petroleum jelly on cotton wool and gently wipe it off.All of it!

Afterwards I apply some Shea butter on my lips and tuck in.(You’ll realise your lips will feel soft and hmmmmm)

4.Buying shoes

I buy my shoes in the afternoon or evening because my feet are abit swollen.That guarantees I buy a right size.I always try on the right foot because I believe it is the bigger one.

5.Soft hands and feet

Every girl loves being soft especially hands and feet that are usually forgotten.Before going to bed I use Raw Shea Butter on my hands and feet and it works miracles! I’d also recommended Olive Oil if you can’t get the butter 

6.Hairline and eyebrows

Treating my hair chemically destroyed my hairline and bushy eyebrows don’t run in my family. A friend recommended dabbing some glycerine and castor oil on my hairline and covering my head with a satin scarf and my hairline is back.

Castor oil has given me something to call eyebrows.


I carry packed lunch to work which means I save some money everyday.

I only buy only what I need and do my shopping in bulk,I save money and time(this I learnt from my bff Wanjira).

I hope my simple tricks will be helpful,I’d like to hear your simple tricks too.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

As A Man Thinketh…

As A Man Thinketh…

“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he…” Proverbs 23:7 KJV

There are days in my life when I feel weighed down by circumstances or too excited because things are just falling into place. On one of those days, I stood in my bathroom wondering what better thing I’d do to change the bad situation in my life at the time.You’re wondering why the bathroom, it is the quietest place in the house!

As I reflected on the decisions I had taken that day considering them abit rash,I was reminded of the good times I had made such decisions. The decisions weren’t rash,my mind was the problem.I had limited my God given abilities and I began thinking out loud in encouragement.

Once a while we find ourselves at the bottom of the pit unable to get out.The problem is not the lack of a ladder but the fear of what we find when we get out.In other words we see inability instead of ability.What we don’t realise is that within us lies a great power and well of solutions;you only need to activate it in your thoughts!!

Practical example:I didn’t like maths in high school so I used to score bad grades even in the simplest of papers.One day I decided to take my time and work most of the sums and I got them right(of course I did ask for help too).In my final exam I scored a straight A! Nothing had changed not the teacher or the syllabus, I had only changed how I thought about mathematics and myself.

The problem with us is what we allow our thoughts to dictate or rather the direction we allow them to gravitate.We allow them to convince us that it is impossible, we can’t do it,we weren’t born for that or we can allow them to see beyond the challenge.I challenge us today to change our minds and consciously decide to think beyond our limitations.

What you say to your inner man drives you because everything is spiritual(in your spirit) before it becomes physical.How you think every morning determines your actions that day.
I just remembered this,”You’re born of God so His creative power dwells in you.”

Activate it!

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.



My friend once told me that growth is mandatory but maturity is a choice.I think this whole adulting is maturity so eight months after leaving college and a month after turning 22,I’m here alone and wondering what this new title(young adult) I’ve acquired means.My dad was telling me that am now an adult,my mum still calls her little girl and prays to God that I stay with her six more months before I move out.My grandma on the other hand is asking when I’ll take a gentleman to her and my friends cheer me one with the phrase welcome to the world! Kwani where have I been living?

I have many questions like Am I too old or young for this?Is this decision right?God am I perfect?Can I do this? Am at a point where am so grateful to God for the lessons I am picking the major ones being these


“Be yourself everyone else is taken.” ~Laimani Bidali.

You can’t afford to be anything else let alone pretend.I mean for who?You can’t please everyone and this life can’t be rehearsed. The answers you need are found in YOU.


“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill.

I can’t have everything succeed all the time and without failing I won’t learn nothing.Failure is part of everyday life so it isn’t how hard you fall but how you rise.


Godliness with contentment is a great gain.(See 1 Tim6:6)

The key to happiness which we all crave is being content with what we have now,where we are and the progress we can see.Contentment is the mother of thanksgiving. I am constantly reminding myself to give thanks even for the little things I have.

4.One day at a time

A day has only 24 hours no actually mine has 17 because I court my sleep atleast 7hours daily..Do only what you have to do as far the peace of mind can allow you beyond that Stop!


“Be of good courage”

This process teaches me to have courage to evolve but not to conform.Courage to face my many fears and to be true to myself.

There’s no daunting task than having a me,myself and I conversation and remaining objective. Courage to speak up and stand out and the courage to admit that am perfectly imperfect.


I spot a good dress and I can’t tell my mum to buy it for me.I have to leave the house,find an apartment and furnish it to my taste without their money.Make my hair and nails all on my bill and no sponsor.

There are decisions to make and consult while treading carefully. Get into a relationship and conduct it like and adult 


I am accountable to God,my parents and my close circle of friends.That means that funny habit of mine of not picking calls has to die a natural death.I hate giving answers and explanations but adulting isn’t giving me a chance .

For every step I have to answer to someone and there are no shortcuts.


Some mornings I want to sleep but I have to work and to worsen matters I don’t know what to wear so I look like this cat over here

I also have to train my brain and hands to work at super speed,eat healthy and exercise (Please God help me)

Adulting is a process that will continue so long as am alive and while it lasts I’ll enjoy every moment so Hello Adulting!

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

The Play:::Analogy of Life

The Play:::Analogy of Life

I was reading a short story of man whose car had broken down(A Ford Model) and how an old man(apparently Henry Ford) came,touched a single wire and the car came to life. The big lesson was that God knows our lives better because He created the model;Us.

That thought gave me a revelation of a play.Every play has a script written by a script writer.The play has several scenes with different characters involved playing different roles.In many occasions the script writer doubles up as the director because he must offload the imagination and bring it to life in a theatre. So is this life.Our God,the script writer had a plan;the script of the play.He set the stage(Earth),scenes(seasons of life),actors(people in your life) and the starring (You) who carries the specific theme of the play(Purpose).His imagination when putting this grand plan together was to bring to life a manifestation of Himself in a body before doing away with the body and spending eternity with Himself (Your soul).

Fortunately some discover their purpose while the worst scenario is inability to discover it.Consequently,many of us take orders from another source that isn’t the script writer’s. That’s a big problem.Can you imagine what kind of a play you’ll be watching where actors do something totally different from the original script?Funny how that’s the story of our ‘play’

Every time we take instructions that aren’t our director’s we deliver nothing or little if any.The play is marked with a vicious cycle of failure and disappointment.However,there’s good news;you and I can choose who to take orders from!

Donna K Maltese writes,“…If we are wise,we will allow our hand to be directed by the Master Painter,the Ultimate Designer.He is our Creator,Companion,Protector,Confidant and our Friend,the One that can help us face whatever life may bring.Only in His power can we push away feelings of doubt,disappointment, dismay and discouragement and fill our minds with love,joy,peace,creativity and a sense of expectancy…” Profound right?

The lesson I took from this revelation is that the script writer longs to see the play come to life and take delight in it(See Phil 2:13).He wishes that in the different scenes of the play we can find Him and lean only on Him for guidance.He wants us to embrace the characters we encounter and edify one another.He awaits the final scene where we can love Him and bear His mark(See Rev 22:3-5).

My hope and prayer is that we can place our focus on the Script Writer and find the true meaning of this play we are rolling out.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.