Inadequacy:: My Story

Inadequacy:: My Story

I promised I’d share my struggle with inadequacy and here it is.You’re free to laugh at some of the stupid thoughts I had but most important share your views in the comment section because I believe they will encourage someone.If you’d also like me to share your story here request at the comment box.

Do you?

Since I was a child I suffered from low self esteem which I think stemmed from the fact that I came from a dysfunctional family.This made me think every kid was better off than me.I also had an abnormally large umbilical cord which I struggled to hide by slumping my shoulders(like a girl concealing her growing breasts) attributed to a condition called hernia.These feelings I carried into my preteen and teen years.
For as long as I can remember I was never enough.I was clumsy and thought I deserved nothing good.If you said I love you to me I’d flee like a big fire had just started! I never accepted good things and people because was I really lovable?I was never comfortable in my skin and actually thought I was the ugliest kid alive!Worse still every girl in my upper class was growing boobies and receiving menses and I had nothing on my chest let alone spotting.Talk of being demoralized. Was I good enough a woman?

When I was elected for leadership posts I thought they were just doing me favours because I wasn’t qualified.So and so would do better but since I have the post wherever that leads me I don’t care.Those not good enough thoughts made my relationship with God go south.I used to question Him a lot and at one point I felt I wasn’t worth living and attempted suicide twice.

I can tell you I felt I didn’t have a good body(I didn’t have that killer ass,my head I abit oval and a slump am going to live with).I wasn’t witty enough, I didn’t have enough opportunities. Wambui was inadequate even in the basic things.She wasn’t a good friend to people,not a people person enough……

This went on until the day I decided to pour out my heart to God and here are the best things He’s helped me to learn about being enough six years on….

1.Physically:Comfort in my skin

I prosper in Psalms 119:14,whether I have added weight or not,broken face or smooth,sick or healthy.For the works of God are wonderful! My friend once told me that am not defined by my body and that changed my life completely. In as much as outer beauty is glorified,accepting myself the way I am goes a long way to helping others accept me.

Accepting small beautiful things about my skin makes me thankful to God.He carefully set my ears on my head,accompanied them with almond shaped eyes,put a beautiful smile,long fingers and to seal the deal He added African legs(skwebes).Aren’t I a masterpiece?

2.Emotionally:Changing my mindset

God has continually moulded my mind to think on good things see Phil 4:8.It hasn’t been easy but it is worth it.The thoughts will crop up sometimes but the Holy Spirit is quick to remind me of the Scripture.

Cultivating self confidence has also come in handy.You should hear the way I say yes to something but God knows He and I will talk about how I’ll do it.Yes because I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. A mental overhaul isn’t an easy process. Be patient(best trait I’ve learnt so far)with yourself and when you fall get up.

I have also learnt to choose what goes onto my head via my ears which has helped to care less about negative statements made.By the way prepare for naysayers cos they’ll have a special sitting every time you take up a challenge.

Love for yourself

3.Socially:Building Relationships and My Space
I realized I am an introvert of some sort who socializes like an extrovert.I tend to crave my own company no talking,no hanging out just me,my books and I.Everyone wants a friend who listens and gives feedback and that’s where I flop.Building a relationship with God helped me relate and reach out.Well I am not the best of friend but am learning to be present,communicate more,give,build and maintain relationships.My friends are like mirrors so I get to become better,learn and give without feeling inadequate.

4.Intellectually: Sharpening Me

I made a conscious decision to learn something new everyday.I read a lot of books,articles and posts to be an outlet of knowledge to others.Bible says to virtue add knowledge (See 2 Peter 1:5-8).

I also make a point of listening to others(coz I talk a lot)to learn new things from them. Shedding that pride has really gone a long way to show me that I haven’t arrived at my destination but I’ll get there.

Tell you what,Satan had maximised on my inadequacy but today I can stand boldly and face the fact that I am not perfect.God placed me here to live with others to sharpen one another (Prov 27:17) but not to get angry,jelous or intimidated.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Inspiration Thursday #18

The first Thursday of the year begins on a Julien Smith note.Am wishing you a very motivated year not just in Thursdays but everyday.

Here we go….

Our Julien Smith series end today.I hope they’ve been of help to you especially this last one having posted on Inadequacy just yesterday…You can read more from Julien on his website.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.



Happy new year! The fourth day of the year it is and the dreaded nJaanuary is here with us but is it always that bad?

Feelings of inadequacy

Couple of days ago I was reading something that caught my attention.I know that we all have several things we want to be this year including loving ourselves more.Now that’s a piece of work for many.The article was challenging me to be enough! Yes be enough and shun that feeling of not being good enough.Of course you’ll never be good enough for everyone.

Inadequacy is described as lacking in quantity or quality.You see as human beings we want more and be more.Let me be real here, I want to be more,better at blogging,sewing,singing,leading,serving,loving,mothering, I want happiness more etc etc.Wanting more isn’t wrong but inadequacy is.Feeling not good enough is a result of inadequacy.I’ll tell you the truth,so long as you’re alive you’ll never be good enough(Never is in bold,underlined and with Las Vegas lights).You’ll feel not pretty enough,funny,qualified,lovable and all those are feelings of inadequacy which are a form of FEAR.

However the story can change for you because inadequacy is a battle for the mind as Angeline in her blog AngelineSpeaks writes.Reflect on this for a moment:I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength(See Phil 4:13)Not some things but ALL.Inadequacy makes you doubt God’s word.When you’re thinking about what you aren’t you are contradicting God’s thoughts about you! You’re adequate in Jesus

Burn that not good enough!

Our God couldn’t have taken His time to make imperfection and when David realised that He wrote Psalms 139:14.The way God wired you is your unique identity and as Angela Hagebusch writes,’He plans to use that for His purpose and good purposes’Your beauty,skills and every other thing about you is His.

I am not guaranteeing that the feelings won’t come no they will and sometimes when you least expect.When they do, confront them with positive thoughts about yourself.Consider the small achievements you’ve made and bask in their glory just for a moment.Allow the thoughts of God’s view about you to prevail.Just as positive words produce positive results,negative words are living and they’ll manifest.Remember this:The words that occupy your mind shape your PERSONALITY and SELF-PERCEPTION!

The best a response you can get!

So my dear reader,you’re good enough.Good enough for that job,career and everything you’ve wanted to become or have!My friend was telling me the other day to be present and show up and I say the same to you,Show up! With confidence that you can do it.Ask God to change your mentality and occupy your mind with what Scripture says about you as a person.Reflect on these Scriptures: Acts 1:8,Romans 8:37,1 Corinthians 1:30,Ephesians 1:19.

On part two of this I’ll tell you about my struggles with inadequacy and how I have managed the last six years.

Last take home point:People can only intimidate you to the level you allow them.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.