Better Than I

Better Than I

Better than I

Philippians 2:3-8 ESV
3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

The past few months have been a learning experience since my birthday.Life hasn’t been a smooth ride either as I make a career while still being an entrepreneur as well as wanting to advance education wise.Now you know what has been keeping me away from blogging.The art am still struggling to learn is taking time off the schedule to have some quiet time with God for refreshing…anyone else with me?

The greatest lesson I have learnt is humility. And God has a sense of humour,He made sure to use the least expected experience to learn it! We think humility is when we say Glory to God when someone commends you for something.We might think it is staying in the shadows as we let others take glory or sharing success.Far from it! Humility is a way of life and you can’t do it without God helping you.

I’d define it this way:Accepting,respecting,co existing with people while learning from them regardless of their societal status.In the opening passage we are admonished to value others and their interests before ours can I at this juncture say that humility is love? The perfect example the Bible has used is Jesus who was God.He was all knowing,better than men and actually beginning and the end! Yet He didn’t consider that as something he’d use to get himself off that Cross to prove it.His whole life was a good example of humility in the way he treated people,can you imagine he had time to reach out to an adulterous woman and the famous Mary Magdalene…
Here’s how I’ve been learning.There’s this lady that goes home around the same time as I.By looking at her you can tell we aren’t in the same social status from the way she wears and talks.So the other day I decided to prod her alittle to hear her story(that’s indisciplined of me I know).She enlightened me on something I didn’t know.She told me of her work experiences in Uganda and I realised she would beat me in book keeping even if I have a degree in management! She knows Uganda inside out yet me Miss learned has never been to Kisumu.That’s experience one.

Experience two:I was walking home the other evening and guess who was my company,a drunk. Yes a drunk who was sober enough to give me a lesson on the impact of our parents words.He said to me,”Lady,when you’re out here in the world you carry only two people;your father or mother alive or dead…The things they taught you will sustain you to the very end.It is important that you listen carefully to what they say..Wambui,if you want a long life work with your hands don’t ever covet someone’s property. “He was done and walked to his house.

From the two case scenarios, one would actually despise the drunk citing alcohol’s ability to hamper straight thinking.Someone else can despise the lady looking at the way she’s dressed and her English.We also know other reasons that make us despise people and even give an attitude.They might not be as schooled,rich,trendy like us but they are human beings with a rich mind.

We have an example to follow set by Jesus.He proved that it is possible to walk in humility and still be great in your own right.We can also learn from Paul the apostle and his admonishment to the Philippi church.Humility doesn’t mean that you are lesser or you neglect yourself for other people’s sake no it actually means you know you’re good but it doesn’t make you greater.

Final point

I tell you that there’s no formula for learning to say they are Better than I.You can only do it with God’s help.You must be willing to say I can’t to Him in prayer.He says He opposes the proud but gives graces to the humble(See James 4:6).Humility isn’t a one off lesson but one you keep doing everyday.

I do hope we can learn this virtue that will open doors for us as well as make our lives better because our relationships with people will be ones of love and consideration.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Beat Flu!

Beat Flu!

Nothing spoils your day or week than waking up to flu.Couple of weeks ago I could not speak thanks to flu and sore throat for a whole day.I went to hospital only to get medication that wasn’t helping until my friend gave me a simple recipe to try.It worked! And that’s why I want to share.

All the ingredients were in the kitchen and readily available.

You’ll need 

  • Garlic

  • Lemon

  • Ginger

  • Honey


  • Wash your lemon,ginger and garlic.
  • Peel the ginger and garlic and grate them.
  • Cut the lemon into small pieces/cubes.If the lemon is yellow the better.
  • Bring water to boil and add the ginger,lemon and garlic.Allow it boil five minutes.The water may turn milky because of the garlic but it is even better that way.
  • It is ready to take so sieve into a mug and add one or two teaspoonfuls of honey. (I can assure you it isn’t as sweet as juice).

You can take this as soon as you notice flu symptoms or when you fall ill.In 24 or less hours you’re good to go.

You will also notice that these ingredients have many more benefits and you can explore other ways of using them.I’d love to hear how you’ve used them.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Inspiration Thursday #19

It has been long since I was here. Work work work among other things while reading alot.Today’s picture message is abit different in that it doesn’t have words so mine are the inspiring words.Change is as good as rest isn’t it?

What does this image tell you? Image:Forced Pictures.

We all know that tower or obelisk and is it that small? The answer is no but depending on how close you are to it,it is as tall or small.In other words it is how you see it!

Similarly, how you see things or perspective if you may is important. It determines your response.The line between perspective and attitude is microscopic if not absent.

Am inspiring you today to change the way you see it.The story you tell yourself affects your daily life in that your response to problems,experiences, success is based on it.See positivity and cultivate an objective mindset.

Let me explain what I mean by an objective mindset.Learn to ask the question,”What else could this mean?”When you approach an experience with an already existing idea of what it should be your perspective is narrowed so you can’t see beyond what you know.That is a defence mechanism.Example:Your friend was supposed to give you a call at eleven o’clock then they don’t call.Your previous experience with that was people don’t call because you aren’t a top priority. What else it could mean is that they got a quick assignment at work so they’ll call later.Which of these two meaning would help you relax?

The many shades of life

You choose how you’ll see it.Have a positive month.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.