The Big Tree

The Big Tree

Among the Swahili of Eastern Africa they say,”Mti mkuu ukigwa,wana wa ndege huyumbayumba.”(When a big tree falls the young ones of birds flutter around it).They also say,”Mti mkuu umeanguka,ndege wa mashakani.”(When a big tree falls,the birds are in trouble).

The Great Banyan Tree

On 8/8/2017 Kenyans will wake up to vote for their leaders.It is evident that this election is not just a tight race but also a matter of life and death hence the tree analogy.

Not only the young ones are in trouble but the entire bird family.Our forefathers in their graves believe they left us a home where we would find rest and peace, we and our posterity.Kenya is our big tree,a good abode whose staying upright or falling to the ground we hold in our hands.You see birds build their nests on big trees not small ones.There they lay their eggs and bring up their young ones and that cycle continues.

If the tree falls the birds scatter,no home,no hope for them.

Source: Bird by Fluttering Bird

Next week we will decide if we still want to be safe.We have to think about all the nests we have in our big tree.You are mistaken to think that only the poor stand to suffer,the rich will have no place either to make their money.We have to think about all the good things at stake should we decide to throw our nation to the dogs.

The many international businesses who’ve pitched headquarters in Nairobi, the tourism sector,the education system,natural resources and businesses.It is important to know that the wood cutters have sharpened their axes ready to swarm around the tree,cut the precious wood,sell it to furniture traders when it falls!The tree can’t be cut while standing.Whoever doesn’t want peace stands to gain when we’ve thrown the country into chaos.Why should we give them that opportunity??

What am saying is we can’t afford to sleep in on 8th August. We can’t afford to exchange our IDs for 3000 bob neither can we sell the voters card for 5000 shillings.We can’t leave our IDs at Mama Pima’s.We can’t get bribed on 7th.WE CAN’T.

You and I owe our children and ourselves a good life and a stable country. Come out and vote CONSCIOUSLY and DECISIVELY.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

The Break

Phew when was I here last? I must admit that I long to write but I can’t sometimes and many of you have been asking what happened. Thank you for reaching out.I haven’t gone anywhere am still around but taking a big break.

A break to sit still and refresh.Let me tell you that everyone needs refreshing and it is exactly the season am going through.I never though adulting is this difficult!

This season has taught me so much in such a short period of time.From money lessons to personal lessons,as in learning how to be my own thought witness.Simply letting my thoughts flow without interrupting them then letting go.

So dear readers allow me to soak up in this life changing season because not only will it do me great good but you too will be  direct recipient of the change.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.

Outfit details

Red peplum top-Kabintie Wairimu.

Black knee length skirt-Made by me(by the way am a tailor).



Hair-Eli of Pride Wells Salon Nyeri.