Up Close and Personal

Happy new year!!!! 

Today’s post is alittle more personal and a review of 2017.It’s also going to be very long.I hope and pray that by writing it I’ll hear from you and I’ll encourage you.2017 was difficult for me.On 1st January I walked my mum to hospital for a major surgery that was going to eliminate the C-word(cancer),one month later the doctor ruled out reproductive and digestive system cancers.For that I thank God but he had to remove her entire reproductive system.

Two months later I got a job.A difficult job that gave me experience but three months later I was fired via email while on sick off!Jobless and clueless with little if any savings.Couple of months later I was badly betrayed by someone I’d never imagine.I was broken,frustrated,angry and of very little faith.I couldn’t pray much or read my Bible properly.I rarely cry myself to sleep but this past year I have perfected the art.Why wasn’t God answering? Or what was His plan?I love to stay ahead and expected that God would give me a heads-up on what He was planning or at least how He’d bail me out! How foolish.

My friend noticed I was going under especially when he couldn’t see blog posts but surely how did God expect me to encourage others while I was hurting?He called for a good lecture and I told him to stop because nothing was working and at the time I felt like I was in an abyss,so dark,so lonely.I was so afraid of what the future held.He offered to pray.

The Plan

I had drawn a personal development plan(PDP)for the year that outlined the books I’d read,the skills I’d learn and many other things I wanted to do in the year.So I bought three books;Be Rich and Happy by Robert Kiyosaki,This Is Not The Life I Ordered(Written by four ladies) and Sack Your Boss by Jonathan.

By mid year it was apparent the plan wasn’t rolling out as intended because the baggage I was having was way too much..I abandoned reading for a month or so to try figure out my mess.While at figuring out I listened to T.D Jakes preach from John 21.The Lord asked,”Have you caught anything the whole night?”(See John 21:5) and this is how it sounded in my spirit,”Wambui,how far have you gone with trying to work out things,any progress?”I replied like Peter, “No”.That was my turning point.The light bulb flickered and I could see!!!

Another way

I prayed a very sincere prayer rather poured out my spirit and asked God for direction.He prompted me to take my diary and reexamine my PDP(The plan).Was He first or He was somewhere in between? The latter was right so I put Him where He ought to be;First place.He then opened my eyes to three new skills:

-Sewing African bags

-Hand embroidery

-A short management skills course.

In doing this He fulfilled the goal of learning new skills for the year.He also granted me favour with my parents who supported me financially to acquire the skills and start making money on my own.

God began to place in my spirit a longing for prayer and His word which He went ahead to couple them with patience,self acceptance,mentors(I had never met them before) and optimism untold.Comfort and peace returned to my heart and fear dissolved.The only other time I had this kind of experience was the day I got born again.

I went back to reading and the first book started dealing with what I thought was right and gave me a whole new mindset.So God wasn’t going to use thunder to answer,He was going to use what I had in my hands.Supernatural insight is real.

The lessons

You’ll not go anywhere with God without surrendering and surrender means moulding.Moulding means discomfort and pain but it also means glory.

Be patient and learn the joy of making mistakes (I wasn’t perfect at work even at home),learning from them,dust yourself and keep moving.Sometimes laugh at yourself.Depend on God’s love,He can be trusted and you know what?

Trusting His plan for your everyday life is equally important as trusting Him for your eternal life ~Rachel Wojnarowski

Accept what and who you are.Be OK with that.I reached that level of self acceptance and I am out to maintain it.You can’t have it all.When you’re tempted at that level Remember to pray…

God give me the STRENGTH to change what I can,the SERENITY to accept what I can’t change and WISDOM to know the difference

And don’t ever forget

Tomorrow’s success is built on today’s efforts no matter how little

What God wants to do in your life must take full maturity time.It won’t come when you want it but be patient in the process,do a lot of learning and play your part.

On love:Love isn’t a set of nice feelings towards someone actually it’s the way you treat them. Meanwhile am enjoying the loving journey;giving love and getting loved back.And love is 1 Corinthians 13 in every way.


An old adage goes

No matter how hard it rains the sun must shine

God starts to give you ideas and opens doors.He fulfills His promises and our souls are glad (See Psalms 33:21,40:10).God is ever present.His love is constant.And

“God is willing to make you uncomfortable for a short period to secure you for a lifetime” ~T.D Jakes

God is good always and wants the best for you and me(See Jeremiah 29:11).I can say with confidence that my soul rejoices in the Lord. He isn’t limited by time,He fulfilled my plan for the whole year in the last three months of 2017.The Lord is My salvation,My rock,My honour and my glory(Psalms 18:2,30)

Source:Bible Study Tools


Let me tell you a short story before resting this post.When a butterfly is in larvae stage it eats everything on it’s way yet this is the most risky stage because agronomists like me spray to kill them.However,that doesn’t stop it.It must turn into a pupae. Only God and the pupae know what takes place during that last stage and it is the shortest.The pupae must break that shell,develop beautiful wings and then fly.That force from within that’s natural produces those insects we love to see.May the Lord open your eyes to see what you can learn from the story.

Blessings to you,

Wambui M.