
What is pride?

It is a high or inordinate opinion of ones own dignity,importance,merit or superiority whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing,conduct etc(Source:Google)Pride can also be positive or negative.


I’ve been a born again Christian for sometime now and the worst things I’ve come across is proud Christians especially in Church.Christians have categorized sins into groups of worst sins,small sins and whatever other subconscious groups.Worst sins being sexual sins for that matter.They’ve also developed outward rituals that ‘define’ a Christian like dressing,talking softly,sitting and relating with others.

In doing so,sins such as gossiping,jealousy,strife,careless talk have almost gone unnoticed unless it concerns the leaders(only then does it become sin).Those according to them are small sins including the infamous Kenyan lie”Nitakupigia(I’ll call)”

Biblical Examples

Take David.He’s famous for his adultery sin but 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles 21 record an act he did that couldn’t be considered sinful yet it was in every way.He numbered the people and God punished him severely for it.

Take Moses.A friend of God with whom they had conversations and he even saw God!God tells him to talk to the rock but in anger he hit it(See Numbers 20:10-12).He didn’t arrive to Canaan(No pun intended)

We have many other examples but these two men God gave an account.He called David a man after His won heart and Moses He called meek yet small things cost these men a great deal.

The Cost of Pride

In taking a prideful stand on sin we shall be blind to the work of the cross.When we decide we are better because at least we aren’t fornicating,hugging aimlessly and what not,when we feel more sanctified and continue to gossip and be rude,we are taking the grace of God for granted.Pride causes us to have very little appreciation of God’s grace.Pride will cost us the Church and lost souls out there because how can we reach out when we are so big headed??The Holy Spirit will have a hard time showing us an opportunity to witness.

Pride is going to cost us relationships.How many careless words broke the choir? And the intercessory team??.When we are proud we will burn up our whole lives because

Termites destroy more property than earthquakes

E.G White in Review &Herald November 8,1887 writes,”It’s one of Satan’s most successful devices to lead men to the commission of little sins to blind the mind to the danger of little indulgences,little digressions from the plain stated requirements of God.Many who would shrink with horror from some great transgression are led to look upon sin in little matters as of trifling consequence. But those little sins eat out the life of godliness in the soul.”

Pride will cost us HEAVEN.Need I explain how terrible this is?I don’t want to belittle God’s mercy only to be told,”Get away from my presence”.God forbid!

What we need to do

Humble ourselves.

Little sinners have a little saviour.Great sinners appreciate the greatness of their saviour.

We have a perfect example of humility in Jesus(See Philippians 2:7-11).”God creates from nothing so until we become nothing He can do nothing with us”~Martin Luther.When we walk in humility we shall be able to gently rebuke others and witness and our relationship with God will be deeper and fulfilling.

Christians must resist this attitude and the Church will get a whole new meaning.


Wambui M.