Don’t Park!

Happy new month!

My mama’s bible is the one translated by Oral Roberts.She introduced me to his teachings on Abundant Life at a time when I was so afraid of what lay ahead of me.(Speaking of which I’ve taken a huge milestone in my life! Details later).I came across his teaching on where to not park.Let’s study together.

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a) Beside your failures

It feels so bad to fail but there’s no single man that has never failed.Thomas Edison is a good testimony.But today we turn on the electric light because he refused to stop at his failures I.e park there.

It is nothing against you to fall down flat,but to lie there,that’s disgrace!

Get up keep moving.The failure that you’ve just experienced is one that you’ll never have to suffer again unless you park by it.When you arise and start forward,you leave your failure behind.

b) By your successes/achievements

We love to park here! I love to park there,pat myself and thank my tired mind and body with a large plate of bhajia.However, that can be a recipe for disaster and I’ve experienced it first hand.In my life and those around me,parking here makes you redundant after all “I made it” “I know this”. You can’t improve or add value to your life so when external changes come you’ll be first to be thrown out of the ship.

Success is only success if it becomes a stepping stone to greater achievement

Apostle Paul says ” forgetting those things which are behind”(See Philippians 3:13-14).He meant his successes as much as his failures and defeats.Mark this

One of the great tragedies of life is the success that became a hitching post instead of a spring board

Yesterday’s victories are today’s tragedies unless we use them to go on and on and on to accomplish God’s perfect will in out lives.


c) By your failures and by your successes

If you park by both you lose your work.Other people will go on and leave you behind and God will be soon out of sight.Catastrophic, isn’t it? Life has meaning only as we continue to live and we continue to live only as we press onward towards the ultimate goal of God for our lives.

Food for thought

Life is like a river.A river continues to flow never stopping,gets wider,deeper,stronger.The volume of water at the end of the river is greater than anywhere else in its whole course.As it empties itself into the vast ocean,it is home!!!!(Get the revelation,this is the picture of our lives.Eternity is planted in the hearts of men but they never see it).

You and I are going towards the great ocean of eternity and towards God so let’s go on and on!


Wambui M.

{This post is an excerpt of the series “Ten Steps to Abundant Health” by Oral Roberts. I have added my own opinions and experiences here and there.}

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