Emotions:Staying True.

​Growing up is a very interesting process more so now that I am in my twenties and the world no longer considers me a child.

Photo Credit: B4M Pictures

I’ve always found that I have a way of not experiencing emotions only to feel them way later when everybody has gotten over them.I tend to catch excitement when it has already passed appearing crazy in the process.If the event was sad,the grief or sadness appears in me last.It is depressing.

Over time though, I’ve had to learn to feel my emotions whether anger,fear,joy or any thing else and feel them at the present.

I’ve had to learn to feel happy because I found out that whatever good has happened is a blessing and God won’t take it away.Owing to bad things that have happened before,I am usually afraid that this is too good to be true or it will last only for a short while.So I’ll keep it down-low lest I get too happy and then it slips through my fingers.

Emotions are part of us,carefully put in us by God so He expects us to feel them and they should make us better children to Him.

Sure enough this has been the hardest lesson of my life especially since I am woman who professes independence! I don’t want to seem weak.I don’t want to feel weak.Then I saw this and it was a light bulb moment.

Quote: The Weight She Carries

Have you felt the same.Like you’re too independent to cry over a mistake, failed relationship or sad event? 

When we bottle up emotions,we are setting ourselves up for these things:Bitterness, sadness and depression

Emotions have a way of catching up with us when we least expect! Everybody else has moved on then you break down.They don’t know what to do,you expect them to support you and there in lies a conflict.You become resentful, disappointed and again depressed.Everybody seems to fail you.

Therefore,let’s feel emotions. Cry if you have to.Capture the moments,soak in them.

Be happy when things are going well, be thankful and give praise!(See James 5:13)

Feel sad when things become hot,its okay.Pray to God,He answers prayers.

Sometimes you will feel indecisive, that’s okay too.Seek help without feeling ashamed.

When you want to be alone,just do it.Take that time.

This quote just sums this post

Everyday is a learning,unlearning and relearning experience where emotions are concerned.


Wambui M.