T for Time

Hallo good people!

I trust you’re doing fine by the grace of God…Every time I promise to give a good explanation of why I keep doing a Houdini on the blog but do I really give you any? No,but I keep thinking about writing all the time..I can never thank you enough for keeping on reading while am away…

So in recent times I’ve been experiencing a season which I can’t give a name,you know that season where good things are happening while the bad ones are still on course?

I’ve also began re-reading Rick Warrens ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ just to clear the fog and I feel like I was a total joke the last time I read it.This book is fresh each single time,when you can please read it….

Now to T for time.

Sometimes we want things to work out and work out very fast.

We want to fix stuff in our lives and fix it now.

We want to settle very quickly and be comfortable.

We don’t want to worry and we want to have it all but life isn’t like that.

I have realised over time that I love to fix things in my life that aren’t working, I want my dream house to materialise very fast, even the very little details shouldn’t be left out and I like that to happen NOW.

I like God to come through NOW because tomorrow might be too late.

But now while I approach quarter a century(am that old ha ha) I am at a place of realising our dreams, deepest desires and lives are a journey and TIME defines that journey.

The difference between our dreams and their realization is time.Time is the single ingredient that shapes us.

The tragedy,is when we forget(not when we don’t know)this fact especially in thr microwave/indomie era we are living in.

Everyone else seems to have what we want.We never really ask ourselves how much time it has taken,we never get curious enough to question that journey.

Ecclesiastes has good chapter on time;a time for harvest,a time to plant,time to mourn etcetera.

Wisdom is appreciating the current season you are in,soaking in the lessons,clarity and blessings it offers.

It is said Time will tell,Time heals everything and many other quotes on time.Find them to be true.

I pray that we can appreciate that in just a matter of time we will have all we’ve wanted.I was telling my bestie that just like economies go through boom and recession so do our lives experience such patterns but the never changing factor is Time.

May you find peace while waiting,may you find God while waiting,may you find joy,peace,grace and strength while waiting.

During these waiting times,it’s easy to feel like God has thrown you under the bus.He hasn’t,trust Him to keep His promises.That’s the true test of your faith.

Let me tell you a story we all know;The metamorphosis of a butterfly at the pupal stage.During this stage the butterfly in making looks like its just resting doing nothing. Scientists will tell you that the kind of transformation that forms a butterfly happens here,all those beautiful colours you see are formed here.

The butterfly in the former stage had amassed enough food to take it through this time.It emerges slowly coloured and bright to fly away.

See my good friends,that more less the concept of our lives,we are being incubated for a period of time while being formed to what we want to be,where we want to go and eventually to eternity.

Just a matter of time.


Wambui M. R.


Dress – Luluskey Creative Studio,Nyeri

Shoes – Magunas,Karatina

Watch- Gift

Ring- Ali Noor Jewellery, Nairobi

Photography- Omoshez Photography,Karatina