Quick Thought

Been a minute but here’s a good rebuke I received today which I thought is should share before I lose it in the busy schedules I seem to thrive in….

This morning I was listening to John Bevere expounding on Isaiah 1:19 ” If you’re willing and obedient you will eat the good things of the land…”

He said that willingness deals with our attitude while obedience is about the action.

Now I didn’t know that it is possible to obey without being willing…Yes,read that again.Let me explain…

Couple of hours later,I had to do something I had done and I felt I don’t want to repeat it again so like the imperfect human I am,I pouted in disappointment and started working on it.

Who’s God? That verse rang in my mind and I heard the Holy Spirit say “You can choose to obey willingly(with a good attitude) or you can pout the whole afternoon either way you will still do it.” Honestly,I got angry at that for a moment because I expected a gentler rebuke. I choose to deal with my attitude there and then and I did the task happily and in half an hour I was done… that’s how this post came to be. I just had to share because most times we think that God’s commands are to be obeyed since He’s supreme;that’s true but there’s something more.

Willingness is about attitude,Obedience is about the action.

Obeying God with a heavy heart or offended spirit because He said it doesn’t attract any rewards.In fact it makes you a struggling Christian and struggling Christians don’t yield any fruits for God and in their lives.(Guys,it is that bad)

What we need to do is deal with our attitudes towards God and His word because God wants both of these qualities in us;a good attitude while obeying so that we experience joy in living for Him and in Him.

This change of character is something we will have to do everyday by the help of God and just yesterday I read that Heaven is cheering us on while we walk daily with Jesus.(See Hebrews 12:1-3){Devotion by Pastor Rick Warren}

So what do you choose,obeying unwillingly or obeying willingly?

I pray we choose the latter so that we can make a bunch of God’s happy children.

Let me add something else that just crossed my mind

We should obey God out of our love for Him and not our of our fear of punishment.


Wambui M.R.

Quick Thought

Been a minute but here’s a good rebuke I received today which I thought is should share before I lose it in the busy schedules I seem to thrive in….

This morning I was listening to John Bevere expounding on Isaiah 1:19 ” If you’re willing and obedient you will eat the good things of the land…”

He said that willingness deals with our attitude while obedience is about the action.

Now I didn’t know that it is possible to obey without being willing…Yes,read that again.Let me explain…

Couple of hours later,I had to do something I had done and I felt I don’t want to repeat it again so like the imperfect human I am,I pouted in disappointment and started working on it.

Who’s God? That verse rang in my mind and I heard the Holy Spirit say “You can choose to obey willingly(with a good attitude) or you can pout the whole afternoon either way you will still do it.” Honestly,I got angry at that for a moment because I expected a gentler rebuke. I choose to deal with my attitude there and then and I did the task happily and in half an hour I was done… that’s how this post came to be. I just had to share because most times we think that God’s commands are to be obeyed since He’s supreme;that’s true but there’s something more.

Willingness is about attitude,Obedience is about the action.

Obeying God with a heavy heart or offended spirit because He said it doesn’t attract any rewards.In fact it makes you a struggling Christian and struggling Christians don’t yield any fruits for God and in their lives.(Guys,it is that bad)

What we need to do is deal with our attitudes towards God and His word because God wants both of these qualities in us;a good attitude while obeying so that we experience joy in living for Him and in Him.

This change of character is something we will have to do everyday by the help of God and just yesterday I read that Heaven is cheering us on while we walk daily with Jesus.(See Hebrews 12:1-3){Devotion by Pastor Rick Warren}

So what do you choose,obeying unwillingly or obeying willingly?

I pray we choose the latter so that we can make a bunch of God’s happy children.

Let me add something else that just crossed my mind

We should obey God out of our love for Him and not our of our fear of punishment.


Wambui M.R.