Plain Yoghurt

Hi y’all!

Happy new year…Isn’t it great to be alive and well in 2020?

I’ll go straight into it.Ladies,would you please assemble for a meeting? It’s going to be short and sweet,I promise.

We have heard that plain yoghurt is good for our vagina and the gut as well.Plain yoghurt contains live cultures of the good bacteria Lactobacillus. This bacteria is also found in our vagina (we will use cookie in this post) that helps maintains the acidic ph and keeps cookie happy and healthy😉.However,plain yoghurt isn’t sweet at all..Actually the first time I ate it,I thought the supermarket was selling spoilt yoghurt!!

Over time though,I have come to appreciate it but in all honesty the taste isn’t favourable.

Last year my sister introduced me to the Greek Style Plain yoghurt from Bio Foods Products Limited (Kenya),this year they began adding flavours to their plain yoghurts and my favourite so far is the one with Honey and the other with Figs.

That said,most of us may not afford that brand so we have to take what we can afford.

What we can afford is like the Israelites bitter herbs!

So what do we do?

Enter Honey.

Pure honey(unadulterated) is good for our bodies and is an excellent substitute for sugar since you should NOT add sugar to plain yoghurt.

In fact you can use honey to sweeten your tea when you decide take quit sugar.Adding honey to the plain yoghurt makes it sweeter to eat and also gives you the healthy benefits associated with taking Honey.

How do you do it?

-Add one or two tea spoonfuls of honey to your yoghurt.

-Stir well to mix.


I hope that this article has been helpful. Take plain yoghurt as many times as you can.Would you share this article with your sisters,friends,mothers and females in your life?


Wambui M.R.