Lessons from my Mother

A story is told of a young man who had left home because his father had worn him out with the constant Dos and Don’ts. He wanted to live his own life free from the ‘rules and regulations’ from his father. He left home in search of a better life and ‘freedom’. One day he was invited for a job interview. When he arrived there,he found the gate wide open so he shut it. He found a tap open and water flowing freely,he turned it off. The night lights were still on so he switched them off.

When he got into the boardroom, the panelists informed him that he had been hired. They said he had the one skill they were looking for: Responsibility.

Without realising it,the young man’s father had instilled some values in him which he followed subconsciously.

Now I am like the young man today. You see growing up in the village meant that some things had to be done;lock up the chicken,wash your legs before going to sleep,put away the axe in the store and so many other activities. Failure to do those things warranted a beating. And mothers in our days didn’t come to play.

I don’t if like me you ever questioned if your mama was your real mother after she has whipped you a good one.😂 I did not once not twice.

It didn’t help matters that naturally as human beings we are born stubborn and so many times I wrestled(not literally) with my mum as she insisted that I must do this or that. I answered questions with questions. I always asked,’Why??’. The one I remember most was asking why I must wash my own feet when going to bed,they are my feet right??? What’s the big deal? Needless to say,it always earned me a lecture or a beating.

I longed to move away from home so that I can do what I want. And so when I left for university at 18,I moved out into my own house. I remember though my mother always told me that she won’t get tired of repeating the Dos and Don’ts because she knows that my mind will retain something.

Well,I am an adult in my mid 20s now with my own house to manage and life. Phew!!! The freedom that I longed for now must be accompanied with responsibility. The very responsibility that I fought when I was younger.

More often than not,I call my mother and I tell her how am struggling to cope with some of the things and she will give advice and direction but she will not fail to mention that she always told me about it.

Ladies and gentlemen,I came face to face with the hard reality that my childhood or rather our childhood was a training ground for the real life we were going to experience as adults. I now know that those small acts of responsibilities; cleaning after yourself,washing the dishes,clearing the table,putting away stuff and others are an act of strengthening our muscles for discipline and self drive. These skills we will require in our workplaces,businesses,church,family,homes and everywhere we will go.

Had I known that earlier,I’d not have been so stubborn! Not that I was a difficult child but facing my stubborn reality is not a nice experience.

Truth be told,the qualities you harness shape you. Actually,you are a sum total of your upbringing,your experiences and exposure. You might also add,the people you meet.

Now looking back,my mother was moulding me to be a responsible,disciplined and self driven woman. She did a good job because even when I am alone and no one is watching me,there is mischief I will not engage in,there are things I must do. Notably,I switch off the lights when going out of a room and I wipe my shoes. Am I struggling? Yes,with folding my laundry on time.

If I were to write everything my mother taught me I’d not finish since I’d write something new everyday. I know this for sure, that our parents have tried to instill in us values which we can use in our everyday life because there will come a time when they will not be here to give us direction.

My mother’s greatest lesson has been,” Wambui,I’ll keep repeating things to you over and over even if I wear you out because I know even if you forget everything,your mind will retain something.”

Everyday,I remember something she said or did and I apply it be it at work or in my house.

Today,I am challenging you who is still under the care of your parents or guardians to listen and adhere. Don’t be too stubborn. Take all the advice you hear and remember this.

You don’t get advice because you really need it now,you might need it in the future. Store up wisdom for tomorrow. ~ Wambui’s Mother

And for us finding navigating the murky waters of adulthood, may we teach our children or those in our care the value of the instruction. May we be found responsible adults.


Wambui M.R.

(I’d love to hear lessons from your parents or childhood or some of those things you now realise their worth as an adult)

My Mama

T for Time

Hallo good people!

I trust you’re doing fine by the grace of God…Every time I promise to give a good explanation of why I keep doing a Houdini on the blog but do I really give you any? No,but I keep thinking about writing all the time..I can never thank you enough for keeping on reading while am away…

So in recent times I’ve been experiencing a season which I can’t give a name,you know that season where good things are happening while the bad ones are still on course?

I’ve also began re-reading Rick Warrens ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ just to clear the fog and I feel like I was a total joke the last time I read it.This book is fresh each single time,when you can please read it….

Now to T for time.

Sometimes we want things to work out and work out very fast.

We want to fix stuff in our lives and fix it now.

We want to settle very quickly and be comfortable.

We don’t want to worry and we want to have it all but life isn’t like that.

I have realised over time that I love to fix things in my life that aren’t working, I want my dream house to materialise very fast, even the very little details shouldn’t be left out and I like that to happen NOW.

I like God to come through NOW because tomorrow might be too late.

But now while I approach quarter a century(am that old ha ha) I am at a place of realising our dreams, deepest desires and lives are a journey and TIME defines that journey.

The difference between our dreams and their realization is time.Time is the single ingredient that shapes us.

The tragedy,is when we forget(not when we don’t know)this fact especially in thr microwave/indomie era we are living in.

Everyone else seems to have what we want.We never really ask ourselves how much time it has taken,we never get curious enough to question that journey.

Ecclesiastes has good chapter on time;a time for harvest,a time to plant,time to mourn etcetera.

Wisdom is appreciating the current season you are in,soaking in the lessons,clarity and blessings it offers.

It is said Time will tell,Time heals everything and many other quotes on time.Find them to be true.

I pray that we can appreciate that in just a matter of time we will have all we’ve wanted.I was telling my bestie that just like economies go through boom and recession so do our lives experience such patterns but the never changing factor is Time.

May you find peace while waiting,may you find God while waiting,may you find joy,peace,grace and strength while waiting.

During these waiting times,it’s easy to feel like God has thrown you under the bus.He hasn’t,trust Him to keep His promises.That’s the true test of your faith.

Let me tell you a story we all know;The metamorphosis of a butterfly at the pupal stage.During this stage the butterfly in making looks like its just resting doing nothing. Scientists will tell you that the kind of transformation that forms a butterfly happens here,all those beautiful colours you see are formed here.

The butterfly in the former stage had amassed enough food to take it through this time.It emerges slowly coloured and bright to fly away.

See my good friends,that more less the concept of our lives,we are being incubated for a period of time while being formed to what we want to be,where we want to go and eventually to eternity.

Just a matter of time.


Wambui M. R.


Dress – Luluskey Creative Studio,Nyeri

Shoes – Magunas,Karatina

Watch- Gift

Ring- Ali Noor Jewellery, Nairobi

Photography- Omoshez Photography,Karatina

Emotions:Staying True.

​Growing up is a very interesting process more so now that I am in my twenties and the world no longer considers me a child.

Photo Credit: B4M Pictures

I’ve always found that I have a way of not experiencing emotions only to feel them way later when everybody has gotten over them.I tend to catch excitement when it has already passed appearing crazy in the process.If the event was sad,the grief or sadness appears in me last.It is depressing.

Over time though, I’ve had to learn to feel my emotions whether anger,fear,joy or any thing else and feel them at the present.

I’ve had to learn to feel happy because I found out that whatever good has happened is a blessing and God won’t take it away.Owing to bad things that have happened before,I am usually afraid that this is too good to be true or it will last only for a short while.So I’ll keep it down-low lest I get too happy and then it slips through my fingers.

Emotions are part of us,carefully put in us by God so He expects us to feel them and they should make us better children to Him.

Sure enough this has been the hardest lesson of my life especially since I am woman who professes independence! I don’t want to seem weak.I don’t want to feel weak.Then I saw this and it was a light bulb moment.

Quote: The Weight She Carries

Have you felt the same.Like you’re too independent to cry over a mistake, failed relationship or sad event? 

When we bottle up emotions,we are setting ourselves up for these things:Bitterness, sadness and depression

Emotions have a way of catching up with us when we least expect! Everybody else has moved on then you break down.They don’t know what to do,you expect them to support you and there in lies a conflict.You become resentful, disappointed and again depressed.Everybody seems to fail you.

Therefore,let’s feel emotions. Cry if you have to.Capture the moments,soak in them.

Be happy when things are going well, be thankful and give praise!(See James 5:13)

Feel sad when things become hot,its okay.Pray to God,He answers prayers.

Sometimes you will feel indecisive, that’s okay too.Seek help without feeling ashamed.

When you want to be alone,just do it.Take that time.

This quote just sums this post

Everyday is a learning,unlearning and relearning experience where emotions are concerned.


Wambui M.

Adulting and I

Whoa!!! Its been 8 months since I was here. Honestly a lot has happened chief among them being planning my wedding and getting married in the midst of big challenges.But am grateful,am happy and encouraged to have some of you check on me and more so having new subscribers.

Adulting has been real my people!I turned 24 barely a fortnight ago and during my birthday I do a lot of introspection, set goals and review progress.I don’t have a specific way to explain this,please flow with my random thoughts. 

Adulting reveals power and self control

Those who know me very well know that I am very talkative.It runs in our family(One day the teachers told my dad I was a noise maker in class,my dad calmly explained that it is genetic.) However,the more I grow up I have found myself wanting to open my mouth to say something then suddenly decide against it.Why? I get that feeling that it isn’t worth my time and sentiments.Not because it is silly but the question is whether it is building me(and those who will hear)up or not.

In addition,I have realised am quarreling less.Yes,let’s shock together.And if I am quarrelling I am finding myself at a position where I hold an internal conversation on what to say.Honestly,this has taken a lot of Holy Ghost help.I am very quick with words but of late I want to tell you to you-know-what off but then the Holy Spirit quickly points out why it is wrong to say that.It is a war at times especially when I am very angry but it is peace when I know I won’t regret saying something wrong.

Sometimes I have many random thoughts and comments I’d want to post on social media but then I stop,carefully think through them and leave it at that.It springs from the thoughts of what I want my image to be on social media;a noisemaker or logical thinker.It feels like am not being myself but again am at peace knowing it won’t haunt me in the future should I change my mind and internet never forgets.

Adulting has put me in a place of seeking my personal truth.

This process has had me looking deeper within myself to find out how I feel at the moment,agree with it and then deal with it. Say I’ve just flopped somewhere,I am at a place where I am honest enough to cry if I have to then get up and keep moving.In addition it has gotten me to define my values to live by and the meaning of success in my life.That’s my truth,no compromise.

I love to be a know-it-all(positively of course) but lately am so comfortable not knowing everything and listening/reading to learn.Just the other day we were having this conversation with my sister and a friend of what chores children used to do after school some years back.My sister(younger than me)offered an interesting perspective that challenged mine and taught me in the same measure.Truth be told,no one knows everything and that knowledge can make you feel inferior or want to listen to know more.It’s your choice.

Another truth I’ve found out is that there are relationships and behaviours that will die –a painful death–more so in this new life season I got into.Worse still,in my spiritual and married life I’ll have to die to self.I’ve resolved to accept it,walk in it and adjust accordingly without hard feelings especially where my partner is involved(As the Lord helps me).

As adults we are confronted with societal expectations of how to deal with the good,bad and ugly of our lives so we wear a mask but how often do we seek to find what we know to be our truth? Seeking your truth,living by it makes you authentic and at this point of my life I want to be authentic not posing.What happens when you forget the pose?….I forgot how to pose and ended up with depression and anxiety(story for another post).Effective this year my personal mantra has been ‘Be real!’

I know and believe I have a long life ahead of me and that this adulting process is for life therefore I have decided to make the most out of it because that’s what we call EXPERIENCE. The lows come and go and I’ve realised they last only for a season and then the highs just like spring season come.

At times it is frustrating,worrying especially of what lies ahead but the grace is sufficient. 

Adulting has given me confidence

Early this year I applied for a job that only required 200 people.1768 applied and we were invited for the interview where we had to prove that we were worth our salt. Yours truly aced it! That was a major boost to my confidence,I started to actually believe I could do anything in my life.I have gone on to launch my bag collection and found myself swimming in murky waters called entrepreneurship so when things get really tough I remember that I can do it and that’s refreshing.

I am not tooting my own horn far from it but it is a human need to want to be confident yet sometimes confidence hangs in the balance as you fail time and again but if only you remind yourself of one small achievement you made.That’s the oasis you need in the desert of self doubt.

Adulting has taught me gratitude

I am not where I want to be but thank God I am not where I started out.I love when things are going according to plan so when stuff delays or God decides to take His time I tend to grow weary,anxious and impatient but with this growth I’ve learnt to be thankful for the little progress that’s showing.

God loves people who give thanks,it’s faith in itself.I don’t have a car but thank God I can afford bus fare every single day.I don’t have a company yet but praise the Lord,I can sew a few pieces and sell them at a profit.Give thanks and watch your mind be at peace (See Philippians 4:6-7).

Becoming an adult and self actualization is hard and fascinating. We can’t exhaust it but we can share our experiences to encourage one another.Feel free to share yours at the comment section.


Wambui Muriuki-Mlima.

Don’t Park!

Happy new month!

My mama’s bible is the one translated by Oral Roberts.She introduced me to his teachings on Abundant Life at a time when I was so afraid of what lay ahead of me.(Speaking of which I’ve taken a huge milestone in my life! Details later).I came across his teaching on where to not park.Let’s study together.

Photo Credits:Google

a) Beside your failures

It feels so bad to fail but there’s no single man that has never failed.Thomas Edison is a good testimony.But today we turn on the electric light because he refused to stop at his failures I.e park there.

It is nothing against you to fall down flat,but to lie there,that’s disgrace!

Get up keep moving.The failure that you’ve just experienced is one that you’ll never have to suffer again unless you park by it.When you arise and start forward,you leave your failure behind.

b) By your successes/achievements

We love to park here! I love to park there,pat myself and thank my tired mind and body with a large plate of bhajia.However, that can be a recipe for disaster and I’ve experienced it first hand.In my life and those around me,parking here makes you redundant after all “I made it” “I know this”. You can’t improve or add value to your life so when external changes come you’ll be first to be thrown out of the ship.

Success is only success if it becomes a stepping stone to greater achievement

Apostle Paul says ” forgetting those things which are behind”(See Philippians 3:13-14).He meant his successes as much as his failures and defeats.Mark this

One of the great tragedies of life is the success that became a hitching post instead of a spring board

Yesterday’s victories are today’s tragedies unless we use them to go on and on and on to accomplish God’s perfect will in out lives.


c) By your failures and by your successes

If you park by both you lose your work.Other people will go on and leave you behind and God will be soon out of sight.Catastrophic, isn’t it? Life has meaning only as we continue to live and we continue to live only as we press onward towards the ultimate goal of God for our lives.

Food for thought

Life is like a river.A river continues to flow never stopping,gets wider,deeper,stronger.The volume of water at the end of the river is greater than anywhere else in its whole course.As it empties itself into the vast ocean,it is home!!!!(Get the revelation,this is the picture of our lives.Eternity is planted in the hearts of men but they never see it).

You and I are going towards the great ocean of eternity and towards God so let’s go on and on!


Wambui M.

{This post is an excerpt of the series “Ten Steps to Abundant Health” by Oral Roberts. I have added my own opinions and experiences here and there.}


What is pride?

It is a high or inordinate opinion of ones own dignity,importance,merit or superiority whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing,conduct etc(Source:Google)Pride can also be positive or negative.

Source: thecut.com

I’ve been a born again Christian for sometime now and the worst things I’ve come across is proud Christians especially in Church.Christians have categorized sins into groups of worst sins,small sins and whatever other subconscious groups.Worst sins being sexual sins for that matter.They’ve also developed outward rituals that ‘define’ a Christian like dressing,talking softly,sitting and relating with others.

In doing so,sins such as gossiping,jealousy,strife,careless talk have almost gone unnoticed unless it concerns the leaders(only then does it become sin).Those according to them are small sins including the infamous Kenyan lie”Nitakupigia(I’ll call)”

Biblical Examples

Take David.He’s famous for his adultery sin but 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles 21 record an act he did that couldn’t be considered sinful yet it was in every way.He numbered the people and God punished him severely for it.

Take Moses.A friend of God with whom they had conversations and he even saw God!God tells him to talk to the rock but in anger he hit it(See Numbers 20:10-12).He didn’t arrive to Canaan(No pun intended)

We have many other examples but these two men God gave an account.He called David a man after His won heart and Moses He called meek yet small things cost these men a great deal.

The Cost of Pride

In taking a prideful stand on sin we shall be blind to the work of the cross.When we decide we are better because at least we aren’t fornicating,hugging aimlessly and what not,when we feel more sanctified and continue to gossip and be rude,we are taking the grace of God for granted.Pride causes us to have very little appreciation of God’s grace.Pride will cost us the Church and lost souls out there because how can we reach out when we are so big headed??The Holy Spirit will have a hard time showing us an opportunity to witness.

Pride is going to cost us relationships.How many careless words broke the choir? And the intercessory team??.When we are proud we will burn up our whole lives because

Termites destroy more property than earthquakes

E.G White in Review &Herald November 8,1887 writes,”It’s one of Satan’s most successful devices to lead men to the commission of little sins to blind the mind to the danger of little indulgences,little digressions from the plain stated requirements of God.Many who would shrink with horror from some great transgression are led to look upon sin in little matters as of trifling consequence. But those little sins eat out the life of godliness in the soul.”

Pride will cost us HEAVEN.Need I explain how terrible this is?I don’t want to belittle God’s mercy only to be told,”Get away from my presence”.God forbid!

What we need to do

Humble ourselves.

Little sinners have a little saviour.Great sinners appreciate the greatness of their saviour.

We have a perfect example of humility in Jesus(See Philippians 2:7-11).”God creates from nothing so until we become nothing He can do nothing with us”~Martin Luther.When we walk in humility we shall be able to gently rebuke others and witness and our relationship with God will be deeper and fulfilling.

Christians must resist this attitude and the Church will get a whole new meaning.


Wambui M.

Up Close and Personal

Happy new year!!!! 

Today’s post is alittle more personal and a review of 2017.It’s also going to be very long.I hope and pray that by writing it I’ll hear from you and I’ll encourage you.2017 was difficult for me.On 1st January I walked my mum to hospital for a major surgery that was going to eliminate the C-word(cancer),one month later the doctor ruled out reproductive and digestive system cancers.For that I thank God but he had to remove her entire reproductive system.

Two months later I got a job.A difficult job that gave me experience but three months later I was fired via email while on sick off!Jobless and clueless with little if any savings.Couple of months later I was badly betrayed by someone I’d never imagine.I was broken,frustrated,angry and of very little faith.I couldn’t pray much or read my Bible properly.I rarely cry myself to sleep but this past year I have perfected the art.Why wasn’t God answering? Or what was His plan?I love to stay ahead and expected that God would give me a heads-up on what He was planning or at least how He’d bail me out! How foolish.

My friend noticed I was going under especially when he couldn’t see blog posts but surely how did God expect me to encourage others while I was hurting?He called for a good lecture and I told him to stop because nothing was working and at the time I felt like I was in an abyss,so dark,so lonely.I was so afraid of what the future held.He offered to pray.

The Plan

I had drawn a personal development plan(PDP)for the year that outlined the books I’d read,the skills I’d learn and many other things I wanted to do in the year.So I bought three books;Be Rich and Happy by Robert Kiyosaki,This Is Not The Life I Ordered(Written by four ladies) and Sack Your Boss by Jonathan.

By mid year it was apparent the plan wasn’t rolling out as intended because the baggage I was having was way too much..I abandoned reading for a month or so to try figure out my mess.While at figuring out I listened to T.D Jakes preach from John 21.The Lord asked,”Have you caught anything the whole night?”(See John 21:5) and this is how it sounded in my spirit,”Wambui,how far have you gone with trying to work out things,any progress?”I replied like Peter, “No”.That was my turning point.The light bulb flickered and I could see!!!

Another way

I prayed a very sincere prayer rather poured out my spirit and asked God for direction.He prompted me to take my diary and reexamine my PDP(The plan).Was He first or He was somewhere in between? The latter was right so I put Him where He ought to be;First place.He then opened my eyes to three new skills:

-Sewing African bags

-Hand embroidery

-A short management skills course.

In doing this He fulfilled the goal of learning new skills for the year.He also granted me favour with my parents who supported me financially to acquire the skills and start making money on my own.

God began to place in my spirit a longing for prayer and His word which He went ahead to couple them with patience,self acceptance,mentors(I had never met them before) and optimism untold.Comfort and peace returned to my heart and fear dissolved.The only other time I had this kind of experience was the day I got born again.

I went back to reading and the first book started dealing with what I thought was right and gave me a whole new mindset.So God wasn’t going to use thunder to answer,He was going to use what I had in my hands.Supernatural insight is real.

The lessons

You’ll not go anywhere with God without surrendering and surrender means moulding.Moulding means discomfort and pain but it also means glory.

Be patient and learn the joy of making mistakes (I wasn’t perfect at work even at home),learning from them,dust yourself and keep moving.Sometimes laugh at yourself.Depend on God’s love,He can be trusted and you know what?

Trusting His plan for your everyday life is equally important as trusting Him for your eternal life ~Rachel Wojnarowski

Accept what and who you are.Be OK with that.I reached that level of self acceptance and I am out to maintain it.You can’t have it all.When you’re tempted at that level Remember to pray…

God give me the STRENGTH to change what I can,the SERENITY to accept what I can’t change and WISDOM to know the difference

And don’t ever forget

Tomorrow’s success is built on today’s efforts no matter how little

What God wants to do in your life must take full maturity time.It won’t come when you want it but be patient in the process,do a lot of learning and play your part.

On love:Love isn’t a set of nice feelings towards someone actually it’s the way you treat them. Meanwhile am enjoying the loving journey;giving love and getting loved back.And love is 1 Corinthians 13 in every way.


An old adage goes

No matter how hard it rains the sun must shine

God starts to give you ideas and opens doors.He fulfills His promises and our souls are glad (See Psalms 33:21,40:10).God is ever present.His love is constant.And

“God is willing to make you uncomfortable for a short period to secure you for a lifetime” ~T.D Jakes

God is good always and wants the best for you and me(See Jeremiah 29:11).I can say with confidence that my soul rejoices in the Lord. He isn’t limited by time,He fulfilled my plan for the whole year in the last three months of 2017.The Lord is My salvation,My rock,My honour and my glory(Psalms 18:2,30)

Source:Bible Study Tools


Let me tell you a short story before resting this post.When a butterfly is in larvae stage it eats everything on it’s way yet this is the most risky stage because agronomists like me spray to kill them.However,that doesn’t stop it.It must turn into a pupae. Only God and the pupae know what takes place during that last stage and it is the shortest.The pupae must break that shell,develop beautiful wings and then fly.That force from within that’s natural produces those insects we love to see.May the Lord open your eyes to see what you can learn from the story.

Blessings to you,

Wambui M.

Action and Reaction

Hi,how’s your holidays coming along?Merry Christmas and happy boxing day I hope it isn’t too late.Five more days and we’re done with this year.May God keep you safe for 2018.

Today we’ll talk about action and reaction.I was a poor physics student but the Newton’s third law of motion has stuck through the years.If my memory is right,the action-reaction forces had couple of guidelines and these two caught my attention most:

1.They have the same exact strength

2.Both are real forces and can cause changes in motion.

Image source:Google

Now let’s talk real life.For everything that happens to us we always have a response–Good or bad.I have always believed the response (read reaction) is the game changer rather determines the aftermath.

“Just like Newton’s law you can’t prevent reaction but thankfully you can control.”

For example,Someone does what you told them not to do,you can’t help feeling angry but you can control the anger so that you don’t harm yourself or them.

Let’s examine some biblical passages that reinforce that point(Mostly reaction with our speech)

Proverbs 15:1 “A kind answer soothes angry feelings but harsh words stir them” Verse 18 “Losing your temper causes a lot of trouble but staying calm settles arguments”(CEV)

You’ll always have bad things and words done and said to you but you’ll always choose your response.I am not telling you to hide your emotions,they are there for a good reason.I am saying that the will power to decide to shut up when angry or sad or heartbroken is in your hands.Shall I tell you a story?

My friend and I had a fight one day and we decided that our egos were huge.We had a bad exchange of words by the time we realised it our relationship was damaged.A lot of bad things had been said and some could not be easily forgotten.Later on I started evaluating the scenario and realised we had lost the battle when we failed to control what we felt.Long story short,restoring the relationship was difficult.

This new year 2018 deal with your reactions.Make a resolve to be mindful of how you respond to situations and people because that will build you up or tear you down.You know what,both forces are always there whenever any force occurs.Be wise.

More scriptures:Proverbs 16:32,17:14,Ephesians 4:29,31,Galatians 5:22-23.


Wambui M.

You Fit Somewhere

This past weekend we had couple of fun activities in our church.In addition to food we had lots of music going round with the teens.Now I have two left feet which means I can’t dance to save my life but these teens were gliding through with the finesse of a swan in water which left me a little envious in a good way.If only I can dance…


Sometimes we find people with multiple skills and their lives are so rich we wonder where is our place in the planet.Others are so good at what they do or they do better in your area of expertise.We tend to perceive our weaknesses loudest at that moment and the devil uses that chance to dance lingala with your emotions. You feel sad,unworthy,unwanted and of no use.That’s a lie.You perfectly fit somewhere.Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:17-25 teaches about the body with many parts.You are a part of a larger body and you’re very valuable.You matter.

1 Corin 12:24 “…God put our bodies together in such a way that even the parts that seem least important are valuable”(CEV)

You will never be someone else no matter how hard to try but you are UNIQUE.There’s something in you that makes you stand out and stand tall.If we all danced,who would sing?The world would be a boring place if we did the same things until Christ comes but in His infinite wisdom He dispensed different arts in us to colour the world.You have your place in one of those arts.

How do I know where I fit?

1.God is the source

God is a God of dreams and visions even ideas.That’s why He’s called the Creator of heaven and earth.Look deeper in yourself having committed yourself to prayer and study of His word.Ask Him for your place.

Matthew 7:7-8,11 ” Ask and you’ll receive.Search,and you will find.Knock,and the door will be opened for you.Everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find.And the door will be opened for everyone who knocks.” 11 “As bad as you are,you still know how to give good gifts to your children.But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give good things to people who ask”

Sometimes He’ll answer in the night.That’s how I got a sewing idea!


Find your passion and do it.That thing you love to do so much so that you’d do it without pay.Channel all your energy and trust God.


You have studied a skill or you are a graduate in a particular field.Your course is before your eyes;that big field is where you belong.Thrive therein bringing the best out of others and yourself.

You’re a complete being lacking in nothing and in the every image of God(See Genesis 1:26) therefore you have a purpose for your life.There’s one thing that only you can do best.Remember…

Blessings to you,

Wambui M.

{Happy Jamhuri Day fellow Kenyans}

Hold That Ladder

Have you ever told someone to hold a ladder for you while you fixed something up there?

Photo Credits:Lee Anne Bartlett

What do you think would happen if you told them to pass you a tool and they are just looking at you like you’re speaking a foreign language?Or they suddenly released the ladder,you’d stay up there right,Wrong!You’d fall and get hurt not to mention mission unaccomplished.

“You can only go as high as who’s holding your ladder” ~Dr Sam Chand

Did you know that if you’re an employee or a team member anywhere you’re a ladder holder?Let me explain.

If you’re being led by a person in any organization–Workplace,church,home etc you’re following their vision which means you’re on board to support that vision.That’s what we call ladder holding!The leader is atop the ladder and the rest of us are holding it with our different skills,talents and abilities.This concept was developed by Dr Sam Chand and when I watched him speak I got challenged and am going to pass on the challenge so that we can grow together.He’s been a college president as well as a pastor so he speaks mostly to the body of Christ and let me add my opinion here and say that principles don’t change with context.

Here are some five qualities he challenged every person to adopt to be fruitful and effective as a ladder holder.

Strong -To accept instruction,criticism and correction.In other words we don’t need to walk on egg shells with you.

Teachable-Accept you know nothing and that willingness to learn.

Attentive-Hear and pay attention.

Firm-Not easily blown about.

Faithful-Have faith in the leaders/seniors.

Do you see an acronym here???

I can’t effectively expound on this concept so to be fair I’ll leave you the link to his book on this chapter of Ladder Holders.Read it carefully and prayerfully.

-> http:/www.samchand.com/consulting/assets/ebook/HoldingLadder_ch3.pdf

Blessings to you,

Wambui M.