Ruffles on Ankara

Ruffles on Ankara

Ruffles on a dress make changes the look to something flattering depending on the fabric and the volume.

On my graduation I decided to wear a ruffled sleeveless dress and this is how it turned out.I paired the dress with blue accessories and gold wedges.

I chose the brown fabric as ruffles to neutralize the print.You can use many other fabrics including lace.

I hope you enjoy the pictures.

(Am not as brown as I look,thanks to the sunset and camera flash)

Dress: Designed and made by me 

Shoes: Felister

Accessories: My own

Photo credits: Moses @Moswide Bridal Photography +254 728467002

Location: Embu.

Stay happy and dress up,

Wambui Muriuki.



After my graduation my Godly wise mum asked me to visit my grandmas to have a mini photoshoot with them wearing the graduation gown.I took that opportunity to tag my photographer along and take a few more for the blog.

The outcome was a nice background with him agreeing to shoot Canon(my fav cameras).

Enjoy them

Hat,pants,cardigan and top-Bend and pick boutique(i.eThrifted)


Glasses-Baus Opticals


Photography-Derric Juma of Juma Photography


Wambui Muriuki.

Looking Back 2

Looking Back 2

My favorite bloggers do stock taking from This is ESS,Ms Kibati and many others.I do ‘Looking Back’ rather what I’d call reflections.Honestly speaking the last time I did this was last year a time like now which is bad,I need to do it oftenly.

So from then these are the chronicles of my life.

Eating: Everything! This cold weather has transformed me into….even Mr P laughs every time I say am just eating.Carbs and fruits are my fav.And I am 61kgs Yaaaay!!

Queer eating habit: Boiled maize daily! If I don’t grab a piece I feel like am not complete and the way I chew it without feeling embarrassed even if the guy next to me is staring like,”This pretty girl eats maize?” 

Drinking: Tea.Chai.It is shocking me than its shocking my mum.

Reading: The Bible more.As I put posts together I just find myself referring to scriptures.My auntie gave me a beautiful devotional book by Donna Maltese that I’ve been ready daily. I’ll be honest:I have slumped on reading motivation books instead am buying novels at the moment am reading Yesterday by Fern Michaels.

Watching: Grey’s Anatomy,White Collar,Covert Affairs and every other investigative I lay my hands on.

Exercise: Lord please help me here.

Appreciating: That this life rewards hardwork.People at their level of knowledge.Good manners and positive thinking.

Obsessing: On Ankara fabrics and designs.DIYs,Cars,Photography,All things natural hair and fashion!

Fearing: Electric faults.The pole next to our house misbehaved so am avoiding these electricity lines like plague.

Sewing: Skirts and dresses(Enrolled for a tailoring class).Some woolen fabrics with my mum.

Learning: To be content.To take one day at a time.To be comfortable with my body and skin.To be thankful at all times.To appreciate others and to be humble.To be open minded more.To state my case and stick there.

Crushing: On Hill Harper and Matt Bomer(He has blue eyes and the way he suits up…Damn!)

Keeping off

Thinking: About taking my Masters,business and this blog.

Feeling: Happy,loved and thankful for all the blessings.

Hoping: To cook better,have a family,have a big library and be the best I can.You keep on reading my blog and getting inspired.

Blessings to you,
Wambui Muriuki.


Hi lovelies,
On this side of the globe the cold is literally biting us.So most of the time we are indoors sipping some good Kenyan tea,cocoa or coffee(And by the way our tea is good,really good).
While indoors and make up on my dressing table I decided to try out something.Here’s what I did..Oh please don’t mind my turtleneck,Maasai shuka they are this weather’s essentials.
Enjoy the photos taken with my phone with help from a friend.




These looks above were achieved using eye and lip liner.Oh I caught the turban fever.




Try to nail the Ajuma Nasenyana look

There’s no Africa without winnowing,correct?


That’s all for today.

Blessings to you,

Wambui Muriuki.